Thursday, May 1, 2008

My fifteen minutes of fame passed without my knowledge

So apparently yesterday the PATH trains shut down. That would have explained the huge lines for the bus at the Port Authority after Iron Man. What I did not notice was the news crew there with the camera. I had my iPod on listening to Vampire Weekend and was engaged in Brick Breaker. As I go to bed I see I have a text message from a number I don't recognize saying "You are on the 11 o'clock news!" I am thinking what old trick has my number and remembers my mug? I text back "Who is this?" Turns out to be one of my co-workers using his personal cell not his crackberry.

I am not a fan of reality television at all except for Ultimate Fighter and that is not just because of my own participation in MMA but also because there are a lot of hot guys on it, lol. Anyways, having read about American Idol today I think it is safe to say that show is about dead and I for one will be very glad. My fear is what will replace it? Speaking of reality tv- Farmer Wants a Wife- never watched it but holy shit I would like to see that farmer in the dell.

I read the D.C. Madam committed suicide. Yeah right! She knew all the powers in D.C. and what their sexual fantasies were. She threatened them but never followed through. I am not a subscriber to all conspiracy theories but this situation has ALL the markings of one and a cover up.

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