Wednesday, August 11, 2010


I slept in this morning because I was beat from the dojo- sweep the leg!- last night. I was supposed to run this morning but will do that tomorrow instead and make up tomorrow on my rest day Friday. then I'll run again Saturday.

The bus ride this morning was good because of the hot guy in the Peter Griffin tee shirt. Dark haired, dark eyes and nice scruff.

I thought I read Joe Paterno is receiving the Medal of Freedom. WTF??? I am sorry but no college football coach deserves the Medal of Freedom. The funny thing is the ex-wife's family are huge Penn State people as everyone in her family- except for her- went to Penn State. I imagine even they would question him getting the award.

Still in the WTF mode, Spider-Man The Musical???? Seriously. Don't get me wrong, I am a huge fan of the Web Slinger but I just don't see how the life and times of Peter Parker translate into material for a Broadway musical. I will have to grill JP on the thought process there. Apparently it is also the most expensive musical to date. Well duh, if you have Bono doing the music for it I can't imagine it being cheap- he lost tons of money on his PALM investment and has to make it up some where.

JW and I are starting our own book club. It is going to be a specialized book club. We are starting a political economy book club. JW thought it would be a good idea as it seems we here in the United States have forgotten just what exactly constitutes a capitalist economy. He suggested we read the usual suspects- Smith, Marx, Keynes, etc. I said well we really should start with the grand daddy of all political economy treatises- Leviathan by Hobbes. I had recently read a review of a new printing of the work and I never actually read it in college. He then suggested some others we should add like Locke and Rousseau. Of course booze will be involved too- it aint a book club unless there is some kind of alcohol.

The markets today had the delayed reaction to yesterday's Fed actions that I would have expected. It was not pretty. After the close CSCO did not help any with the miss in revenues. Tomorrow should be interesting.

I have drinks tomorrow in Hoboken with an Aussie broker. She used to live there and is up for going to my favorite restaurant.

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