Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The summer is over- shaggy time

So there are some cute guys in the new gym. I went this morning and noticed Blue Devil- no not the funny, irreverent DC comic from the late '80s- but the guy wearing the Duke shorts all the time. Very lean, have to imagine a distance runner. Cute, dark haired boy. There was also a cute Mediterranean looking guy- nice guns and shoulders doing plyometrics. I finished lifting and went and rode the bike for only 5 miles. Got to the locker room and was undressing to get in the shower when I noticed the plyometrics guy in the same bay and I catch him sneaking peeks at me. It was quite the ego boost to start the day as he had to be in his late twenties. Plus the rest of his body was nothing to sneeze at either, lol.

Yesterday marked the official start of shaggy season for me. Usually I go with the goatee until the first day of winter and let the hair get long but this year I am acquiescing to the husband's wishes ad going with the '70s porn 'stache. Not sure how it will look but what the fuck. When I go to the dojo tonight sensei mentioned she liked the scruffy look, I told her I have been lazy and will be shaving going for the previously mentioned look. She burst out laughing and high fived me.

This past weekend at the beach was fun. I did feel bad though as Saturday night he husband was in desperate need of a cigarette. SO he whored me out, making me ask all the smokers if I could bum a cig. The cute guy who actually gave me his last and a light and then I turned around and handed it to the husband was a good sport about it. We chatted with him and he was a real interesting guy and had very cool ink. Works in television production for a channel I think is underrated and very cool. I may have led him to the wrong conclusion when I walked up to him shirtless and sweaty from dancing with the line "Can I bum a cigarette from you?" It has to be a classic pick up line for gays on Fire Island...

So back in the immediate aftermath of WWII, the pound sterling lost it's role as the reserve currency of the world to the USD. It was quick and relatively painless. My point is all these people saying the USD will take a long time to be replaced I think are smoking crack. China's actions speak a lot louder than its words. In case you missed it they issued yuan bonds over i Hong Kong. Don't forget either the statement from a Chines Communist Party official stating that they are concerned the Fed is printing money and monetizing debt like both are going out of style. Hello? How can our government be so naive as to not seeing the USD losing its reserve status sooner rather than later?

I am totally biased to public education. Dad did it his entire career and it afforded his family a comfortable middle class life and sent 5 kids through college. So when I see President Obama telling kids to stay in school, work hard, accept responsibility for your education and what you put into is what you get out of it I think that is great. I cannot believe the furor this raised on the right. Seriously, shouldn't we want the youth to be educated and find something they are good at doing? Give the guy a break for trying to instill in kids a desire- and God forbid, even a love- for education as a means to improve themselves.

SO this morning on the PATH ride in I read MS is saying to get long U.S. banks but only the ones with no commercial real state (CRE) exposure. Really? No, really? WTF banks could they be talking about as all of them have it! The unstated implication is the insurance companies are totally fucked as that is most of what they have and own.

The dojo changed the class schedule so I will not be swimming tomorrow morning. I will be able to do it going forward though as from now on on Tuesday nights I will be done by 9 so getting to the pool by 6 AM should not be an issue.

First day of school tomorrow for the boys. My oldest is going to be a 7th grader and his younger brother will be in 4th grade. Neither of them is excited but they never are for the first day of school.


Fete said...

Regards from SPAIN!!!!!!!!

jimbo said...

I will want to see this porn 'stache.