Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Dad, do you have chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream and a sharp knife?

So last night when I called the ex' house to speak with my youngest the first questions out of his mouth were the title of the post. I said no I don't have chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream but we can get that and yes I have a sharp knife. I asked as to why he was inquiring? I had a good idea but wanted him to say why. He is a lot like his mom- he has issues taking medicine especially pills. Of course the antibiotics he is on are pills. So I will have to cut them up and mix them in with his chocolate-vanilla swirl ice cream this weekend. He also told me his regimen for the medicines. He has to take them every 8 hours which entails waking him up at 3 AM and dosing him. Oh joy.

I was pissed as shit yesterday morning. I go up all ready to swim and for some reason the 126 line was all fucked up and I had to wait thirty minutes for a bus! By the time I got in I had not time to go swim. I hit the NYSC next to the office and biked instead for thirty minutes. I happened to end up next to a guy I work with on the desk. Later in the day he told me he was impressed with the workout I did on the bike.

I had dinner with JP last night before he left for two weeks out west for a wedding and to spend time with his family. I was glad I got to see him before he let on his jaunt. We had a good time catching up as usual.

My oldest is having fun at his family reunion on his mother's side. Yesterday they had a friendly tennis tournament which is right up his alley. He won the singles but did not win the doubles. He was a good sport and did not blame his partner and would not even give up the name of his partner.

I slept in late this morning. I just did not fell all that peppy for hitting the gym- probably due to not great nights of sleep this past weekend.

The husband used his anniversary gift tonight and went to the Depeche Mode concert at MSG. He took a friend of his he has known for over twenty years who got the pass from his wife. They had a blast.

I on the other hand hit the dojo and it was further proof how much I have lost in my flexibility. In the second class I had to tell the guy to keep the mu thai pads low for my round kicks. I could not even do round kicks to the body I was soo sore.

I have to say one of the parts of my friendship with JW that I truly value the most is when he bitch slaps me and tells me I am listening to all the conservative, right-wing Kool-Aid that is drunk on Wall Street. He did it very kindly but vociferously in an email exchange we had late last week. One of the points he brought up on our discussion about health care reform is why do I think the profit motive is soo much purer than a government run plan. Maybe it is not but I guess what it comes down to is I have come to realize that most of us are selfish and not all that altruistic when it comes to bettering humanity. I really don't think most doctors today entered into the field because of their strong, deeply held belief they want to help their fellow humans. Call me cynical. I think a lot of them are very smart, driven and challenged by their work. They also view it as a means to better their own lives and provide for those they love and care about. I am not judging that- hell it is why I got into my field and probably why most people go into the line of work they are in. So profit may not be pure but I think it incents a lot more people to get into the field. Also if the government could do such a great job administering a medical plan why is Medicaid/Medicare in such disarray?

The tape just can't be kept down. I still don't get it and am thinking that once the term quality of earnings really start showing up in the financial press that is a sign to get ready for the ride down.

I am swimming tomorrow morning. Wednesdays are supposed to be distance training days- oh joy. After work we are taking the summer intern out for drinks; it is his last day with us. The kid did a great job and he will definitely find a job once he graduates. I need to get to bed.

1 comment:

Tim said...

i don't understand the market upswing either, it makes no sense except as capital desperately seeking a return, but there doesn't seem to be any fear of a down swing...just doesn't add up. My reading of the dollar dropping in seems accurate enough. now I'm not sure where the bottom is but i don't think it will get to bad. Did you notice that the dollar dropped and oil dropped? seems like the speculation has ended on that, now will the market follow?