Thursday, December 16, 2010

That is an odd gift

I am definitely close to getting some kind of sinus issue.  So it is neti pot season.  That is also why I blew off the gym this morning. 

So Ryan Reynolds is getting divorced.  I told the husband I have dibs on him but I will share him. 

The husband asked me what the Huffington Post is.  I thought he was joking.  Incredulously he was not joking.  He is not a big reader of blogs or news on the Internet.  I told him he was a Luddite and needed to get with the program.

A person we do business with over in Europe sent us each a gift today.  It was a do it yourself canoli kit.  WTF?  Seriously, the really only acceptable holiday gift for people in our line of work is booze plain and simple.  Total fail.  I gave mine to one of the guys in ops who is of Italian descent.

So now the ratings agencies think they see something bad coming down the pike with the Eurozone periphery?  Greece was put on watch for a possible downgrade.  That didn't really shock anyone and it gained most of the headline but if you took the time to read through the whole statement you would have seen that twenty four German banks were also put on watch.  That would be the first strike at the core of the Eurozone.  Yet everyone over here doesn't seem to care and kept buying.  It also helps that tomorrow is an expiration and supposedly some big gamma trade is in the offing.

I was supposed to have drinks with my bond friend tonight but he had to cancel as he had his company Christmas holiday party.  Looks like we won't meet up until after the new year.

I happened to be surfing thru the channels and came to an ad on DIY- holy crap Mark Bartelomo is hot!

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