Monday, October 19, 2009

Recompense without injury

So I finished my latest book on the PATH ride in to work this morning, The Magicians. I really enjoyed it because I am a huge fantasy/sci-fi geek and it had a lot of references to The Chronicles of Narnia and some classic D&D references as well.

So this morning before I got into the shower I was of course reading emails, checking out the top stories on BBRG, etc. I was thrown a bit when I read about the terrorist attacks in Iran by some Sunni group. I immediately thought about the story I read on zerohedge about the unusual options activity in crude. Something is going on but I don't really know what as of yet.

The other thing that caught me by surprise was the CME now accepting gold as collateral for trades. That made me immediately realize all the protesting of the USD not being replaced as the reserve currency any time soon is wrong. It is going to happen a lot sooner than we all believe.

Last night after I got home from dropping the boys off at their mom's house the husband and I caught up on our dvr shows. Supernatural was good. We then went to watch Fringe when we found out we screwed up somehow (not we really- the husband) and canceled the recording. No big deal, missing one episode won't matter and I am sure we'll be able to catch it in reruns.

I am not a Fox News fan but I have to say I think the President and his Administration are making a big mistake of overtly singling them out and casting aspersions about it not being a news channel. Yes Fox has an agenda but so does every other news organization. MSNBC could be viewed by many as the policy arm of the DNC. So calling Fox the policy arm of the RNC is really like throwing stones in a glass house. By publicly ostracizing Fox it will just draw even more viewers to them in the middle of the country. To also say Fox is only in the business of selling advertising- well DUH. Does anyone really think MSNBC or the NY Times is not trying to sell advertising? All large media corporations are trying to sell ads. The holier than thou attitude is not going to play well with a lot of people who don't live on either coast. It makes me realize even more that The X-Files was right- the truth is out there. You just need to actually seek it out instead of waiting for it to be fed to you by some large corporation with an agenda.

What the fuck is wrong with Massachusetts? Today a judge in Mass said that cancer free smokers can sue tobacco companies. That is where the title today comes from. When did it get tot he point in this country that cancer free smokers can sue the companies that make cigarettes. I would like to sue the cell phone makers because I am sure 50 years from now I may get brain cancer and it will be their fault. So let me get this straight- you are cancer free, a long time smoker and worried that the warnings on your Marlboros may be right that smoking can cause lung cancer? So instead of quitting smoking, you are just going to sue pre-emptively? And this is allowed why?

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