Thursday, October 29, 2009

I thought political correctness was dead?

SO the bad chest/head cold I had a few weeks ago pretty much knocked me out of my workout groove. I lost my discipline. This week I started to get it back. A bit of background here; I foolishly and stupidly agreed to do another fucking tri with the husband. The boys have spring break with their mom this coming April. So the husband and I are going to go to Miami and do the South Beach Tri- just the sprint race. So now my workouts will consist of swim on Mondays and Wednesdays, lifting and biking on Tuesdays, lifting on Thursdays, biking on Fridays and the running on Saturdays and Sundays. I will also be attempting to hit the dojo Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. This may kill me.

I have tomorrow off. I am going down to central Jersey to attend my youngest son's 4th grade Halloween party, um let me correct that- Pumpkin Day. What the fuck is that all about? Since when did Halloween start getting called Pumpkin Day in public schools? The cool thing is the husband is taking the day off as well and going down with me. He is concerned the ex might be there also but I am fairly certain she will be at the barn riding her horse and is attending the parade of costumes in the afternoon instead. The husband and the ex have issues between them that are not worth getting into her, suffice to say he does not have any desire to see her. That means we need to be on the road by 7:15 AM to get there in time. It should be fun.

Last night I had dinner with my bond friend. He finally freaking got divorced after years of going through that horror show. He thanked for being there through the entire time and I told him there was no need for it as he had been there for me as well. I told him he now has to start getting laid and that paying for a high class call girl counts and he makes enough he can afford it. We then got talking about the economy and market and he admitted he thinks I may be right that we are entering a Japanese like lost decade which seriously depresses him.

I noticed VZ finally wised up and has not combined their FiOS, internet, land line and cell phone service together. Granted it is their basic cell plan- only 450 minutes- but it is pretty damn smart. They may actually start taking subscribers from cable companies now without having to shell out $150 per sub.

Funny how yesterday- on the anniversary of the Volstead Act- the California Assembly has decided to consider and discuss the possibility of legalizing marijuana and taxing the shit out of it like they do alcohol.

I really have issues with Barney Frank and his complete lack of memory and two faced actions regarding the causes of the housing implosion. Four years ago he is touting how it is the government's job to help low income people achieve home ownership. We know how that ended. Today he was applauding he establishment of a trust fund to help low income people afford renting homes since not all people can afford nor should they buy a house. Of course said fund has to to be given any money by the government...

Turbo Tax Timmy got raked over the coals today by House members. I loved it. Seriously- how the fuck is he still the Treasury Secretary when it was he who signed off on paying off AIG's CDS counter parties one hundred cents on the dollar? And he has the balls to assign blame to his predecessor.

Tonight I had dinner with the boss and the head of another desk who I have known for fifteen years and is a great guy and friend of mine. We just exchanged notes on trends int he business and whatnot.

When I got home I had a text from the boss. He and his wife have a costume party to go to tomorrow. The theme is musical performers. He texts me saying costumes done, wife is Joan Jett, he is Snoop Dog. I asked him how he intends to pull of Snoop Dog as he ia mick like me.

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