Sunday, July 27, 2008

Now the stress is starting

Yesterday we took the boys to meet their new cousins. My brother and sister-in-law had pizza for us. I have to admit the nephews are really cute. The boys were excited and my oldest took pictures of his cousins. I convinced the boys that since their cousins were twins they had telepathy.

I and my oldest played tennis this morning. He brought his good racket this time. We didn't keep score. He is getting better and will be able to beat me soon I imagine.

The husband went to the museum today to check out some exhibit he has been wanting to see. Usually we are not around on the weekends in the summer but since we were this weekend he went. We have realized after this summer that next year we will probably try to find someone who would like to take every third weekend so we have some time to do some things in the city. While he did that I and the boys went to see Space Chimps. It was cute and definitely a kids flick. There were some funny lines and scenes but I am glad the husband did not go with us. He would have been annoyed.

The drive down to central Jersey was interesting. We drove through a torrential thunderstorm. My oldest turned to his brother and told him to tighten his seat belt. I told him not to worry.

When I got home the husband finally admitted he was starting to get stressed about the apartment situation. We are in negotiations on a new place but the whole logistics nightmare of moving is daunting.

Back to work tomorrow. I have no feel for the tape but did notice that financials have rallied something like 40%. It is a bear market rally. The FDIC took over two more banks this weekend, one in California the other in Nevada.

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