Monday, April 18, 2011

Bruce's line

The weekend was pretty good and not too busy with stuff around the cottage.  Friday night we celebrated the husband's birthday with PJ and ST at the cottage.  The husband made amazing grey sole.  I made chocolate birthday cake.  The husband got two sets of binoculars and a guide to bird watching as he is totally into that now that he has bird feeders up in the backyard.

Saturday the husband skipped the gym as he claims I had a heavy hand with the wine bottle the night before so I went off to the gym and did a small brick- swam 1,250 yards and biked 15 kilometres.  I then got back and we did some more work around the house and then it was off to see Scream 4.  It was an excellent flick.  Afterwards it was nap time for me and the husband caught up on some television.  Saturday night we dined out with PJ and ST.

Sunday I did some baking as the husband had requested I make oatmeal raisin cookies for him.  I then went and picked up the boys to take them out for lunch in celebration of my oldest son's birthday.  the pizza place he wanted to go was closed so we ended up grabbing sandwiches.  Then it was over to the cottage.  We then headed across the street to ST's so the boys could run around like wild men with his pack of pugs.

Time to do some more work and then nap time while the husband did a run.  I made dinner and we watched some tv and then I caught a train back to the city.  I came to a realization last night while I laid in the bed wide awake around 12:30 AM.  I don't think I can drink coffee anymore after 9 PM at my age as it now seems to actually affect me.

I did not hit the gym this morning as I think I fell asleep around 3 AM. 

The husband stayed down at the cottage and did some yard work.  ST got him a flowering tree- specifically a yosheno cherry tree- for the yard and some plants to put in the bed in front of the house.  He took pictures and sent them to me.  One looked like lavender to me but the husband told me the plants were saliva and dysentery salvia and dicentra.

We have outside lines at work.  They must have been for some other company previously as we get calls for people who are not employees.  I picked one up today and the person on the other line asked for Bruce.  I explained no one by that name worked here and he may not have the right number.  He hung up.  I told everyone else if that line rang again immediately to answer it "Bruce's line."  My co-worker did and put him on hold.  After three minutes on hold I picked up and asked who are you holding for?  I then explained to him again there is no Bruce at this company.

So the mouse roars.  Somehow S&P reached into its boxers this morning and found a pair and they are brass.  They actually had the nerve to put the credit outlook for our nation at negative.  Will wonders never cease.

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