Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Hump Day

So I slept in this morning instead of running.  I got to bed late last night and just did not want to get out of bed.  It was nice.

The highlight of my day was an email exchange with Mr. Clifford.  He sent me an email reminding me I gave him my opinion on what options he should consider for his 401(k) when he started his new job back in January.  Apparently I made some good/smart/lucky guesses.  His account is up 14.5% year to date.  He wanted to know if that was a good rate of return.  I then had to expound on the difference between absolute returns versus relative returns.  Regardless of which way he wants to look at it 14.5%  y.t.d. is freakin' awesome.  The SPX is only up 5.74% y.t.d.

The other highlight of the day was stuffing the boss with my Asia trades.  The rule of thumb on the desk is if two of us have orders in the same name the one with the larger order takes them all; hence how I was able to stuff him- ha!

I got home kind of late tonight.  My intention was to hit the dojo- sweep the leg!- but I realized I had work to do.  I needed to clean up the boys room and make the beds as the in-laws will be staying here Friday night.  I then had to put away all the dry cleaning and empty out the dishwasher.  Why tonight?  Well tomorrow night I have an office social function to go to then I am having drinks with PF.  I know that I will end up getting stuffed with Asia work and that after a few cocktails cleaning would not be on my agenda.

In preparation for the foolish trail half marathon I agreed to do I set up my training schedule.  I only have five weeks to get ready.  So I took the husband's advice and am just going to repeat the last five weeks of my ten week program I did for the road half marathon.  That means tomorrow I will be running before work- five miles.


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