Tuesday, September 28, 2010

I hate getting scooped

So yesterday morning I did not run when I got up. Seriously WTF was the husband thinking about doing a light run. The best part was later in the day he sent me a link to a site saying you should not do any running- or biking or swimming- for a week after your race. That was also an excellent reason to skip the dojo- Cobra Kai never die!- last night. Of course I was a bit busy in the Land Of The Rising Sun, so still got to bed a bit late. I slept in later than usual this morning too and I have to say the buses later in the morning are sorely lacking in any eye candy to start the day right.

Here is how fucked up most people in my line of work are: The news of President Carter being hospitalized elicited a long discussion that- while not wishing any ill upon the man- if he were to pass ideally he would do it Wednesday or very early Thursday so that President Obama could declare Friday a National Day of Mourning and we'd get an unscheduled three day weekend. Surprisingly I was not the one who initiated the discussion.

I am confused at to what the difference is between a currency war and a trade war. To me it is just semantics and since we are clearly in a currency war- in case you weren't sure even Peru jumped in the fray today (all the cool kids are doing it so we should I guess is the reasoning there?). It is now unofficially a trade war with everyone try to cheapen their currency as quickly as possible. We've seen this movie before and it does not end well. Granted back then it was black and white and an actual film, today it is a viral web series but the medium doesn't change the ending.

Speaking of history not repeating but echoing one should recall that the '87 crash- which occurred when I was a snot-nosed sophomore in college- had several main causes one of which was a dollar crisis. Sound familiar? It all actually makes me happy I have a hard asset in the form of arable land- granted it is only 6 acres but I can get a vegetable garden on it of decent size, get some goats and sheep maybe and I'll be set. I am thinking of starting an apiary as well- honey and wax for candles....

I got scooped on a story out yesterday by a big time financial blog. I read about how the editor of The Stock Trader's Almanac is calling for the Dow to go over 38,000 by 2025. The supposed move will start in 2017. Ok- who the hell can see that far out and who has an investment time line that long? Seriously? The other thing that kills me is that publication flies in the face of everything about the Street. Every financial firm tells you upfront that past performance is no guarantee of future performance and every investment has unforeseen risks. Yet for some reason people like to read this thing and base investment decisions on the past? And if you ask anyone who is in my line of work, they will comment on how one of the things they love about this business is that it is never the same thing every day.

The boys are still laughing at the dogs. Our older one looks like Ren- his fur was really matted (we don't brush him out enough apparently) and the groomer shaved him. The boys then said that must make the younger one Stimpy as she is stupid enough and Rubenesque.

As I wrote before one of the creators/writers of Glee is a fellow college alum. I debated logging on to the alumni network and shooting him a message suggesting the show do Meatloaf.

I see Trent Edwards got released unexpectedly. He is damn cute and I find it hard to believe he gets released unexpectedly- I bet he gets released a lot...

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