Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The guy with the big nose

So last Friday I hit the gym in Hoboken. I got done working out and was shaving when OMG there was this guy who looked just like Eric Northman. It was all I could do not to stare as he drank his protein shake and checked himself out in the mirror.

The weekend was a blast. We had the boys again and we went out to the in-laws. I got out there before the husband and the boys (the husband had kindly offered to pick them up since he was down there at the cottage). I and my sister-in-law got picked up at the train station by the mother-in-law, we got to the house and had Chinese food for dinner and a bit too much wine, lol.

Saturday was a fun day. We were in the bay for a good length of time. We did not do any clamming. I think my sister -in-law really enjoys having nephews. She has a blast hanging out with them and swimming in the bay. She also enjoys playing dominoes with them. Speaking of dominoes, apparently my youngest is some kind of domino prodigy as he crushed everyone Saturday night. The mother-in-law got mad at her daughter for not helping out to beat him I am told.

Late Saturday afternoon we went and saw Predators. It was actually a pretty good flick. Everyone enjoyed it. I was surprised at how ripped and jacked Adrien Brody was. My youngest referred to him as the guy with the big nose. We got home and I made dinner, everything was done on the grill and it was well received.

Monday morning I swam for a half hour. I felt good but was kinda annoyed at how I smelled like chlorine for the rest of the day. That annoyance was replaced by the end of the night but the pain I was feeling from the dojo- sweep the leg! I came home with a serious charlie horse- not sure if it came from ground fighting or stand up fighting, just know it hurt.

I find it somewhat confusing that the federal government is suing the state of Arizona over the rights of possibly illegal immigrants and yet at the same time are arguing for the supposed Constitutional basis of DOMA? I am biased for immigrants as all of us here, if you go back far enough (two generations in my case) are immigrants, both legal and illegal (the latter in my case). The confusion is why would the government argue for those rights but against the rights of their own citizens? I guess if you are a gay illegal immigrant you are screwed.

I posed this question to Ragnar and JW. JW- as always- had the most lucid, intelligent answer. He argued that the Justice Department is not as independent as one would think and its job is to protect federal power. Arizona trying to take immiration law into its own hands is an encroachment on federal power. DOMA is a furthering of federal power. The Obama Justice Department is not really arguing the Constitutional basis of DOMA but that once the federal government has a certain power it is very loathe to give it up. I am surprised the Obama Administration is willing to trample the rights of the people who helped elect him.

Alan Blinder has a seriously freaky eye twitch.

I am definitely losing my sanity as it looks like I may be doing a frackin' half marathon in September. I at least found a ten week training program for rookie marathoners.

I am a bit jealous of TK. He spent the 4th up on Martha's Vineyard. He had fun but what makes me jealous is he got to hang out with and have ice cream cones with Jake- yes that Jake and if you have to ask who then the point is lost on you. I asked if Jake was shirtless at all and he said no but was wearing a scoop neck tee and has really nice guns. I of course asked if he took any pictures. He did not as Jake was there with good friends and in a relaxed state and it would not seem right to be taking pictures.

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