Sunday, November 8, 2009

Seth Macfarlane is kind of cute

So yesterday we went into the city for the wedding reception. It was a lot of fun and we got to see some friends from the beach we have not seen since early in the summer. My '70s porn stache was a big hit. We drank a lot of champagne too and had fun.

Today we had brunch with one of the husband's girlfriends at the Short Hills Mall. I new what was going to happen afterwards and it ended up me suffering through a day of window shopping. Actually the husband did buy some new dress shirts and dress socks. We also got my oldest a Family Guy daily desk calendar and an origami daily desk calendar for my youngest as Christmas gifts.

We got home and I took a bunch of stuff to the storage space and then hit the grocery store as we are having JD and JW over for the husband's awesome meatloaf. Nap time after that.

It looks like JD and JW are moving into our building. We are psyched for having them as our neighbors.

This week should be interesting as I see the health plan got passed. I was surprised as I read somewhere that the Dems made a last minute concession on the abortion issue.

George Eads is so fucking hot, lol. We have been watching CSI all day. I remember him from the t.v. show Savannah. The husband has officially put him on our it doesn't count as adultery list. I approve and hope I get him first.

Psyched for the live Family Guy comedy show tonight.

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