Monday, March 5, 2012

Omni Consumer Products: ED-209 coming soon to a neighborhood near you?

So some more great tidbits from the past weekend:

At dinner Friday night, my oldest actually called the husband "my step-father."  Holy shit!  I was a bit taken aback at such a bold step/statement from him.  I played it real cool though and did not miss a beat nor did the husband.  Sunday evening during dinner he asked me if I caught that and I sad duh!  Of course I did.  I think the husband was actually happy to be referred to as the step-father although I can never really tell as he keeps an excellent poker face about such things.  At least he was not called step-mother....

I hesitate to mention the next part of Friday night's dinner but it is almost too funny not to, consequences be damned.  The oldest has exhibited some curiosity about wine.  So during dinner he mentioned it several times and I finally asked would he like to try some.  He was a bit coy and not expecting that question I think be he finally said yes.  So I asked him if he would like to try white or red.  He stated both.  So he had a small glass of each and after trying them both he stated he preferred the red as it was "more robust."  WTF?  When I was his age beer was a big deal to me (I did not discover Rumpleminze until 10th grade) so for him to comment on red being more robust threw me for a loop.

Sunday afternoon as I was driving the boys back to their mother's house we were discussing movies for this coming weekend.  They mentioned that they thought Silent House looked really good and that their step-father thought so too.  I said well that is nice but we are seeing John Carter of Mars. I then said why don't you ask your mother's boyfriend to take you to see Silent House.  (For argument's sake let's call the bf Bob).  They said Bob is not as cool as their step-father.  Winner!  I know it seems really petty (I admit it is but WTF) but I was totally psyched to hear them say their step-father is cool.  I of course let the husband know ASAP.

I admit I am fairly conservative in my belief the government should stay out of as much of our lives as possible but I firmly believe there are certain aspects of society the government is really the only qualified to do- education, infrastructure, national defense, the penal system and law enforcement.  So when JW sends me a story about how the UK is considering privatizing law enforcement I get nervous.  All I can think about is Robocop and how the idea of enforcing the laws for profit is so not a good idea.

Since we are on the topic of politics, the husband asked me what GOP candidate has a viable economic plan.  Short answer is none of them.  It is real simple- the mess we are in pretty much dictates we need to raise taxes.  But since that is verboten thanks to that ass wipe Grover Norquist (who wouldn't even raise taxes to stem the rise of the apes and the overthrow of humanity) NO GOP candidate has a viable economic plan at all.  Too bad and even more reason I will probably vote for our current President.

So yesterday was my last long run for training was yesterday.  I did twelve miles and I am frackin' paying for it today.  I was very happy with my time as I think I will end up at or close to my goal of eight minute miles for my last half marathon.

The other reason I am psyched to get this race over is because Tuesday the 20th is the first day of spring which means I am getting my hair cut (actually all of them).  I am one shaggy beast right now as I have not been properly coiffed since the end of August.  It is driving me crazy and I cannot wait to get it chopped off.

Does anyone else get annoyed by AdSense and AdChoice things that show up on their websites when they are online?  I ask because today for some reason one of the sites that came up was "Established Men: Sugar Daddy Dating."  Really?  What site did I google to get that to come up?

I have several tattoos and I would get more if not for the threat of divorce hanging over my head like the sword of Damocles.  So of course I read about magic tattoos in Thailand.  It seems that you can go to this Buddhist monastery and get magic tattoos.  Sadly you aren't allowed to drink or they lose their powers.  But if you do you can go to their annual festival and get them repowered.  How cool is that?  If I were able to get more tattoos I'd go with the ones Rand al'Thor has on his forearms.  Just saying...

1 comment:

Steve said...

See the Romney plan. At least he HAS a plan, whereas Our President has no clue what to do other than borrow more money from the Chinese and plunge your children ever further in unrepayable debt.

Raising "taxes on the rich" won't work, as it has never been an effective recession-ending strategy to increase taxes on anyone. Remember that current tax revenues are sufficient to cover the expenses of the 2003 budget. The reason why the debt is skyrocketing is excess spending. Spending has gotten way out of control, and our present troubles are not the result of tax reduction.

The capital gains tax, in particular, brings in more revenue when it is reduced, and less when it is raised, because if the tax penalty is too high, people will simply refrain from selling capital assets in many instancse.