Saturday, March 3, 2012


So last weekend I did my long run solo.  Saturday night we went to Philly and had tapas with JD and JW at a great place.  I was the designated driver so the husband had a lot of fun with wine.  He was all octopus hands at the dinner table which was both flattering and embarrassing.  He was hurting all day Sunday so I ended up doing my 11 mile run solo in the afternoon.

I admit that I did not see The Artist but I read the wiki entry for it and I have to say it sounds to me like Mel Brooks did it much earlier (like 1976 early) and funnier.  JD and JW said they had seen it and while it was a good movie they were surprised it got nominated for Best Picture.  I am surprised it won.  Jena Dusjardin winning the Best Actor for his role it was a bit surprising as well.

Speaking of Monsieur Dusjardin winning, I have to say it seems to me that we in America are going through a resurgence of all things French.  I have seen no less than three newspaper articles regarding recipes for cassoulet.  France has been leading  the charge in the Mid East for all of their former protectorates.  I don't think it is a bad thing but it is interesting.

I get somewhat annoyed at the GE commercial implying that without turbines you wouldn't have your Budweiser.  Really?  That seems a bit of a stretch as I am pretty sure Bud has been around longer than we have had electricity.  I know beer has been around way before we had any turbines as I believe it was first made circa 9500 BC in Sumeria, there is evidence it was in ancient Egypt and Iran as well.  Don't even get me started on many jobs GE has shed here in the United States- they really aren't that great of a corporate citizen here.

The whole farce that is the mortgage settlement announced several weeks ago is depressing.  If I understand it correctly, the people that will actually get help will only receive somewhere around $1500-2000.  So let me get this right, you lost your house via an illegal foreclosure and all you get is maybe $2000?  That is assuming the person who owns the mortgage is willing to help you settle.  Chances are if is FNM or FRE and they are not going to help you.  So the right hand of the government gives and the left hand takes away- nice.

So this may come as a shock to some but I will probably be voting for President Obama in November.  First- most of the GOP candidates just don't have anything sensible going for them.  Second, as JW pointed out to me I already have a moderate Republican in office.  It thought about and it he is totally right.  Everything President Obama has done is what a moderate Republican would have done.  I also am now sure President Obama will be a two termer.  I mean seriously- how can you take Santorum seriously when he complains about the separation of church and state?

Ok, Whitney Houston.  she was a crackhead.  Last I checked she did not save orphans from a burning building or throw herself selflessly onto a live gernade and save her fellow soldiers.  She died from a drug overdose.  So when TGT pulls a card making fun of her I find it annoying.  The best joke I heard was "What is six inches long and did not get sucked on for Valentine's Day?  Whitney Houston's crack pipe.

So my oldest had to pick his course for next year.  I and his mother were shocked to see he has driver's education as one of his courses.  Really?  WTF?  Since when did he get old enugh to drive or learn to drive?

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