Wednesday, May 18, 2011

I knew I should have waited for a sale or at least the Rapture

I slept in this morning as I knew I was not going to the dojo- sweep the leg!- tonight due to my elbow issue.  It was nice to get up a bit later.

I am torn about the impending end of the world this Saturday evening at 6  PM on the dot.  Apparently it will be caused by a rolling earthquake.  I am torn because it will screw up our social plans for Sunday and yet excited as it means come Sunday I will have all the full rights of all other Americans- like legally marrying who I want to- as the ones who oppose it and do everything to stop it will be raptured and sitting in a gleaming cube that is 1,380 miles high, wide and deep.

It also means we will not have to worry about peak oil or greenhouse gases.  The concern over the EU falling apart will be moot.  If Harold Camping is correct it also means I and everyone else will only have five months left.  Am I the only one thinking road trip?  I did find- and join- a post rapture looting group though, so I got that going for me.  The other negative is I just bought our riding mower- a 46" cut with a 22 hp engine- and our grill.  If I had only known I'd have waited until Sunday to go find one and loot it while God wasn't looking...

I hit the gym after work today.  There were some serious hot guys there.  My bike ride after lifting was only made passable by staring at Princeton.  I usually see him there in the mornings but it appears he now goes in the evenings.

Tomorrow I will be having drinks with a kid from my alma mater who has this ridiculous idea of trying to get into my line of work.  I believe he is not of age to legally consume alcoholic beverages but he has assured me he can pass for said age.  Does that mean I am contributing to the delinquency of a minor?  

This Saturday will be quite busy.  The husband is doing a tri on without me- I only do one a year and that slot is currently filled.  He is not doing it solo though as he is joining my brother in the one he does annually.  So I will be his crew for the race.  Then I will be using my riding mower for the first time to cut the meadow.  I am looking forward to that.

Sunday - assuming there is no Rapture- JW, JD, Rf and RS are coming down to the cottage and we will be going to see The Grounds For Sculpture and then having dinner.  I will be using the new grill for dinner that night.  I may not need propane though as there is the possibility there will be hellfire everywhere.

So I read the other day that the EU is considering a soft restructuring for Greece.  What the hell is a soft restructuring?  Is that like almost pregnant?  I asked my bond friend what it meant and he said immediately nothing unless you own CDS but 12-18 months down the road it is exactly the same thing.  The other term I heard was reprofiling.  Isn't that a violation of the Greeks inherent rights?  I thought profiling was bad yet the EU wants to reprofile Greece?  Hmmm, clearly there is no ACLU in Europe.

1 comment:

Jason said...

I can't believe we don't get to see the expression on A's face when you mount your trusty steed (I mean the mower). Ah well - still looking forward to it.