Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A knit tie? Really?

The bus ride was quite interesting this morning.  Blue Hen is a new guy- was very cute and wearing sweats and am thinking nothing under them.

The kids were psyched last night when they realized it was just me and them sleeping on the bed.  They both took the pillows on the husband's side of the bed and I woke up nose to nose with the younger one this morning.

I am going back into the dojo- wax on, wax off- next week.  I am sure I will be sore for the first few weeks.  I really need to get my ass moving on this and do my best to get the goddamn black belt within the next year.  I also started my training for the NYC Half Marathon.  Ran three miles today- was supposed to do it yesterday but whatever.  Have three more days of running to do this week as well.  Sunday's run will be interesting as we are supposed to be getting more snow here.  Yes I am actually running outside in snow.  I did some research on winter training for half marathons and it all says short runs are ok on the treadmill but your long runs should be outside.  I have not done any running outside in the winter since my days wrestling in high school.  At least these ones won't have me wearing a stupid rubber suit under layers of sweatshirts and sweat pants trying to lose weight for a match.

So I have a secret boy friend at work.  He is in the ops area and super cute.  I of course GOOG/facebook stalked him.  23 years old, a big fan of house/trance music, went to college in CT and is a Jersey boy.  My girlfriend in ops who sits behind me flirts with him incessantly o the point I IMed her the other day and warned her off because he is my secret boyfriend.  Today she IMed me that he has a twin brother- identical.  I told her cool double date?  Then said no, hold on I will just be the meat in the sandwich.  She said no she would, so I told her we'll fight and winner take all.

There is a cute gay guy in the sales area of the firm.  Today he was in early and I walked into the pantry and saw him all suited up- looked nice until I noticed he was wearing one of those ugly knit ties.  I immediately thought of a high school social studies teacher and am bummed if those tings are making a come back.  I  think it was square bottomed too- even worse.

The large the Meredith Whitney dog pile gets the more I think she is right about the coming destruction in the muni markets.  Then I read how the city of Vallejo, California- which is in bankruptcy- has offered its unsecured creditors $0.05-0.20 on the dollar.  If that is a sign of things to come then watch out.

These days BBRG has a prime seat in Presidential press conferences and it was used really well today.  Hans Nichols was taking no prisoners in his questioning of Presidents Hu and Obama at their joint press conference.  I imagine BBRG will soon face difficulties in China and Hong Kong.

I Am Number Four- looks interesting...

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