Monday, November 29, 2010

Don't call me Shirley

I am sad to see Leslie Nielsen go.  I loved his deadpan comedy, dry, sardonic wit as it is totally my type of humor.  It has become a bad influence on the husband too.  this past weekend he totally pulled one of my lines that is a homage to the scene from Airplane!  that goes like something like "This woman needs to get to a hospital.  A Hospital?  What is it?  A big building with patients but that's not important right now."  The mother-in-law asked when is Christmas and the husband blurted out "the same day every year."  He then looked at me with that oh my God I just used one of your lines.

The other thing this past weekend that kind of stunned me was when my oldest came to me in the kitchen and handed me his phone.  It was his mom and she asked me how long do you boil potatoes?  I told her until you stick a fork in them and the potato slides off or breaks apart.  She then said she wanted a specific time and I told her roughly 25-30 minutes.  She thanked me and wished me a Happy Thanksgiving. 

Some stuff I read recently that had me scratching my head:  "Fake pot is not a safe alternative to illegal narcotics."  I did not even now there was such a thing as fake pot?  Then in reference to the whole WikiLeaks issue today a French official said the leaks are "...a threat to the authority of democratic society."  Sorry but I thought a democratic society derived its authority from the people?  Isn't a free press also a hallmark of a democratic society?  It also smacks of the people shouldn't know the whole truth as they can't handle it and just trust the government.

No one hot on the bus this morning.  Maybe it is just the fact that everyone is starting to wear coats and sweaters and hats so I can't really get a sense of who is hot or not.  Slept in this morning, no gym, figured two hours at the dojo- wax on, wax off- would suffice.  Then I foolishly jinxed myself by telling the husband I had no work in Asia tonight.  Of course right before I left I got loaded up with work for Asia.  So I will be hitting the dojo- sweep the leg!- tomorrow night.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I have a lot to be thankful for

I am thankful for a great husband who loves me and makes me laugh.  I am thankful for two amazing sons who love and make me laugh.  I am thankful for two dogs who are happy to see me every night I walk through the door no matter what my day was like.  I am thankful for great parents and brothers.  I am thankful for a great job with people I enjoy working with and a boss who makes it easy to do my job.  I am thankful my knees are in great condition even though I am no longer 21, need to stretch and have to change my gait.

My birthday passed and I had a great time.  I picked the boys up and they were with us for the weekend.  I got to pick dinner so of course I went with pizza and also got a gluten-free pizza for the husband.  Sunday morning the husband had invited over friends and some family and we had a nice birthday breakfast and cake.  My oldest gave me the new Kings of Leon CD and a homemade card extolling how he loves me more than his brother, lol.  My youngest gave me a homemade card as well extolling how it was he who loved me more.  Nothing like a little fraternal rivalry.  The husband gave me the greatest birthday gift I have ever gotten to date and that is a chainsaw!  It is awesome because it is a freakin' chainsaw and because we had a few wind storms that have knocked down some large trees at the cottage so I get to cut them up know, spilt them, store them in the garage and  dry them out for firewood.  It's a chainsaw! 

I know it is pretty useless to think of what may have been if only (although I loved the What If... series from Marvel) but I am of the mindset that if Ireland had stuck to it's stubborn guns and not taken the bailout that would have done more to prevent the contagion from spreading than taking the bailout.  The market is a predator and has taken down the weakest in the herd and is now moving onto the next one and that is the Iberian countries, followed by Italy and then it will hit the core and that would be France is my guess.

We had the boys for Thanksgiving this year.  I picked them up Wednesday night and drove out to the in-laws on Long Island.  The traffic was not that bad.  The boys fell asleep and were surprised when they woke up as we pulled into the driveway.  I walked in to see the husband and the mother-in-law starting to make a lattice top apple pie.  I was impressed as I make pies but have always been intimidated by a lattice top.

Thanksgiving was great.  The husband and I did the cooking- juniper brined turkey, cream gravy, cheddar-chipoltle dirty mashed potatoes, brussel sprout and caramelized shallot hash, scalloped tomatoes and homemade cranberry sauce.  Dessert was the lattice top apple pie, lemon meringue pie and red velvet cake.

Friday I actually went to work.  I had taken the last 4 or so Fridays after Thanksgiving off and felt it was only fair I let someone else in the office.  It is a half day in the markets and the slowest day of the year.  I got home and the husband had me on the grill making chipoltle cheese burgers for dinner.  It was great.  We then all went and saw Skyline.  The movie sucked.  The special effects were great, the action sequences awesome but eh acting was not great and the ending was a complete cop out.

Saturday we hit TGT because my youngest had a birthday party to go to today and needed to get a gift.  Then we hit the gym and then left overs for dinner.  Is it just me or do Thanksgiving left overs taste better one or two days after?

We watched the remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street last night and I have to say it was ok.  The boys did not think it was that scary and the husband did not either (he apparently never saw the original).  No one got up in the middle of the night so I have to assume it was not that scary.

The drive to take the boys back to their mom's house today was actually not that bad.  This is the first time I have ever seen the Belt Parkway with so little traffic.  I have no work to do overseas tonight thankfully.  Just watch some tv and then hit the bed.  Back to the dojo- sweep the leg!- this week.  

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Don't tell me what to do, just ask

This week was kind of slow actually.  No hot guys on the bus that I can recall as I am writing without any notes.

Tuesday night I attended a charity event with a most of my co-workers and a bunch of people in the business.  It was held at the space the gays usually hold their Boys With Toys charity event- which by the way is a Friday night this year but the husband and I are not going as we will be down at the cottage to finish off the floor in the kitchen.

Wednesday night I actually had a nice quiet evening.  The husband was down at the cottage and I got home still tired from Tuesday night's festivities and finished Towers of Midnight.  I hit the hay early too and got well rested.

Thursday night I had drinks with a business associate.  I had hesitated setting this up as I have known the guy for years- from when we were young punks in the business (I'm still a punk, just not young while he has acquired a veneer of respectability).  My reason for hesitating was when LEH went under I reached out to him several times to make sure he was ok, could I help in any way, etc.  Never heard back from the guy.  Then once the other division got rolled up into us I come to find out he does business with them and voila- he is now reaching out to me.  I asked a friend in the business who was part of the young punk crowd if I was just being a stubborn mick and he said yes, so I met him for drinks.  He hasn't changed, lol.

After that it was off to dinner with the husband and one of his good friends from his London days.  She was in town for work.  We had a great dinner and of course had a bit too much wine.  Come to find out KG is pregnant.  Great for her as she will make an awesome mother.

Friday morning it was down to the cottage.  I had a doctor's appointment to get my knee checked out.  The first thing was they took x-rays.  Nothing showed up on them.  Next the doctor came in and turned and pushed my knees all which way.  Nothing.  He said look, you are not 21 anymore, you need to stretch, get new running shows and change your gait.  Here is the best part though.  I actually paid nothing for the appointment, i.e. my health insurance worked!  I was a bit surprised.

Back to the cottage where the husband and I proceeded to take out the old kitchen cabinetry.  The only thing we left was the base cabinet that has the sink in it as the husband will still need to clean his hands and the occasional paint brush.  Then off to my youngest son's school for his annual parent/teacher conference.  I also realized this is the last one I will have to do as he goes to middle school next year.

Then the boys and I went back to PJ and ST's farm and picked up the husband and the kids and back up to Jersey City.

Tonight we are going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.  I did not think my oldest would want to see it but he is all excited.

Last week was all about Europe.  If anyone thinks anything has been solved over there or changed they are sadly mistaken.  Being of Irish descent I have to admit I get why Ireland is fighting being forced to take the bailout.  We Irish hate being told we have to do something- ask nicely and we comply.  It is also the whole pride thing and the idea that our suffering is not only part of what makes us Irish but makes stronger.   It doesn't matter as once Ireland is utterly forced into it everyone else will fall- Portugal, Spain and now you are starting to here more about Italy.

Next week should be like Harry Potter's Hollows- deathly.  It is always a slow week especially with Thursday off and only a half day Friday.  It is also traditionally a week some company tries to pull a fast one and sneak something by the markets.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Yes I am that shallow at times that I will buy something that has a hot guy in the ad

Last week was not to busy but the weekend was mentally taxing.

Thursday night I met up with the husband and one of his friends from his days spent in London.  His friend is actually Turkish and was in New York for work.  they met up before dinner to pre-game.  The husband said he needed a bar that would provide sufficient eye candy for his friend so I told him to go to Boxers.  It was such a a good call that after dinner we went back there.  The boys behind the bar are hot but the man bouncing was completely hot!

As usual the husband pulled his chatty Cathy act with a woman at the bar.  I of course got dragged into it somehow only to have the husband ditch us and try to get his friend laid, lol.  The woman was actually very nice.  A pharma sales rep.  Her husband is an i-banker.  I asked her what possessed her to stop in the bar.  She is from Michigan and a huge sports fan so decided to pop in as she lives in the neighborhood.  She then realized she was in a gay bar but stayed anyways as she knew she'd be able to watch sports undisturbed- that is until the husband started chatting her up, lol.

Friday night was quiet and we stayed in as the husband had his trail half marathon Saturday morning.  I would have run it too if not for my recent knee issue. 

Saturday morning we were up and on the road early.  The thermometer in the car said it was 37 degrees.  The husband was not happy.  He did the first loop and was dying, lol.  Apparently a trail half marathon is nothing like a road half marathon.  Trail seems to be a misnomer as most of the race apparently was through woods, over streams and involved climbing an extremely rocky, near vertical incline.  I am actually upset I missed the race as it sounds like I would have enjoyed it.

We then hit the road again and stopped at a local, incredibly cheap counter top place.    It was close to becoming painful for me to walk through the warehouse looking at all the different types of stone and have to come up with some kind of comment on the pattern, color or tonality.  Thankfully the race was starting to hit the husband so we wrapped up sooner rather than later.

Down to the cottage.  Painting for me.  Saturday night we went to dinner with ST and PJ at a local, semi-legendary eating establishment that was closing.  Sadly they did not play "Last Dance."

Sunday I hit the pool.  One of the gyms in the chain near the cottage actually has a proper sized pool.  So I hit the pool for a half hour.  Then it was back to the cottage for painting.   Then off to HD to finalize the kitchen cabinets with a side trip to BBY to check out appliances of course.  I was making it through admirably until I got asked about drawer pulls.  Thankfully that is all done.

The ten year Treasury had some interesting action today.  No one had an intelligent reason as to what caused the move but I would venture to say that hopefully the bond market vigilantes are back and starting to price risk properly again.

On the way home from the pool I stopped at DD to get some coffee.  I saw their new Sausage Pancake Bites and decided to try them solely because of the hot guy they use in the ad.  They actually were not bad.  Don't get me wrong I won't be getting them often but they were good.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I just finished hastily writing my post because I wanted to watch Caprica only to find out SciFi cancelled the show!!!  Seriously NBC what the frack is wrong with you???!!!  You cancel the most intelligent show on tv because...?

Like running through a field of four leaf clovers and catching a unicorn

So I slept in this morning and did not work out.  Call me lazy if you want to but my response is a big fuck you, lol.

I need to start off with econ stuff first, sorry for anyone who reads this and is only interested in the hot guys on the bus or gym I lust after.  

The Euro periphery is totally fucked!  Ireland selling twenty six week paper at ~4.85% is not a good thing.  Spain is pretty much fucked.  The only thing saving Portugal is there history with China (lest you forget I am fairly certain they were the first Europeans who made contact with China almost 600 years ago).  Everyone I read here int he States seems to think the idea of a double dip is dead but I would posit that when the Euro periphery goes it will drag us right back down.  Just saying...

I love Tom Keene on BBRG!  The guy is one of the most erudite, polished, professional reporters left in the media.  He wears bow ties!  So when I hear his stentorian voice on the  I usually look up from my screens to watch and listen; however, when his show Midday Surveillance throws in those cheesy sound effects all I can think of is the episode from Family Guy where Brian took over the radio show only to have Stewie come in and completely corrupt it.  I actually had one of my moments where I sent Mr. Keene a BBRG message expressing those exact thoughts.  He did not reply to me- probably because I added it was very CNBCish...

My man crush at work did the Florida Iron Man this past weekend.  He showed me a picture of himself crossing the finish line at 13 hours, 23 minutes and  53 seconds.  I didn't even notice the time as I was too enthralled seeing him all lean and sweaty in Lycra.  He also finally started dipping again today (which was why he came over to the desk) and I made him do the Skoal Longcut Mint that was easily 5 months old and drier than a nun's twat...

I was at a loss for lunch today.  Then it hit me.  I went to MCD and got a McRib.  Seriously, it was just like the title of the post says...I think I also caught the leprechaun and got the pot of gold.

I finally capitulated and set up a doctor's appointment to get my knee checked out.


Monday, November 8, 2010

The Towers of Midnight

Sorry for the missed week of posting, just got kind of busy and lost my notes so had to try and recap what I could.

My coffee guy in the morning at the train terminal I walk through is smarter than I gave him credit for.  A small coffee used to cost just a buck.  He went and upped it to $1.25.  I bet his tip cup has filled up a lot more often and quicker now.  I am probably not a good sample but I usually just let him keep the change as I don't feel like having three quarters jingle in my pocket all day.  So he is already basically doubling his profits on me alone.
Halloween weekend was good.  We had the boys but they went back to their mom's house early on Sunday for a Halloween party.  Saturday night we celebrated my youngest son's birthday (it was the Monday after Halloween).  I made two cakes- one regular one and one that was gluten free for the husband.  The family tradition in my family has been the birthday boy gets to pick what's for dinner.  Of course he chose pizza but I found out his favorite pizza place up here also has a gluten free one.  So the husband got to have not only his cake but his pizza too and eat both.

That night we continued a very new (as in this is only the second year) tradition of scary movies the weekend closest to Halloween we have the boys.  We watched The Exorcist.  I forgot how creepy that is.  My youngest decided about a quarter of the way in not to watch it.  When it finished we put in the second movie 30 Days of Night:  Dark Days.  I did not realize they made a sequel and now I know why as no one from the first is even in it.  I watched about 10 minutes and then suggested to my youngest he come play his video game on the bed while I napped.  He agreed.  I fell asleep only to be woken about a hour later by the husband and my youngest.  The movie was over and I had to put my youngest to bed after walking the dogs.  My oldest decided to skip the second feature as well and was already asleep.  Of course at 3:45 AM my youngest was in the room, trying to wake me up and startled the husband.  He "just couldn't sleep."  Right, he had a nightmare.

Sunday after dropping the boys off early we went to the cottage to do more work.  We worked further on casings and baseboards.  Got most of them done.  We also brought the remainder of the gluten full birthday cake to the farm for PJ and ST- needless to say it was a huge hit and I have to make another one.  I took Monday off to do more work and are basically finished with the casings and baseboards.
So I was all signed up to do a trail half marathon next weekend.  However I am not doing it as I think I have a knee issue.  Twice during running with the husband I had to stop about halfway through- it  seems like anything over 6 miles is a no go- due to major pain in my right knee; the in the joint kind, not the outside of the knee so I know it is not due to lack of stretching.  I now need to make an appointment with a specialist- in my HMO network!- to get it looked at.  My concern is I will have to get it scoped or something similar.  On the positive side though this is the first time I  have had a knee issue so I am probably still able to have it scoped and get another twenty or so years out of it.  It has also precluded me from hitting the dojo- sweep the leg!  So I have basically been lifting, biking and swimming.

This past weekend we were down at the cottage again.  This time was spent painting baseboards and casings.  I also painted the front door.  The husband is working on sealing the knotty pine panelling in the den that he stripped and bleached.  He started with a polyurethane and did not like how it was clear yet changing the color of the wood.  I suggested he stop and try the other product the lumber guy recommended.  He did not so yesterday he spent the day sanding it all off and re-bleaching.  I just painted quietly and did not gloat when he admitted I was right and he should have stopped.
This morning, getting back to my cardio adventures, I went to go swim only to discover the pool is closed due to renovations occurring at that branch of the gym.  No clue on how long it will be but whatever.  The Walking Dead is of to a pretty good start.  I never read the comic book but I like the show so far.  However, last night's episode was a bit graphic and the title should have tipped me off.

I am highly annoyed at all the Christmas stuff that is already in stores.  I really think it should be against the law for any Christmas displays to be put up until Black Friday.  We did not get a good family photo this year so there won't be one with the Christmas card.

OMG the penultimate book in The Wheel of Time series is out and I did not even know it until my way home tonight!  A few things- WTF?  I thought this was supposed to be the last volume???  Of course I bought, rushed thru my cardio workout at the gym, did not even shower and came home to crack it open.
Ok, Burlesque...possibly this century's attempt at reaching the heights of Showgirls.  I have to say I have twinges of wanting to go see solely because of the preview shot of Cam Gigandet in nothing but boxers...the guy is smokin' hot!