Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Like running through a field of four leaf clovers and catching a unicorn

So I slept in this morning and did not work out.  Call me lazy if you want to but my response is a big fuck you, lol.

I need to start off with econ stuff first, sorry for anyone who reads this and is only interested in the hot guys on the bus or gym I lust after.  

The Euro periphery is totally fucked!  Ireland selling twenty six week paper at ~4.85% is not a good thing.  Spain is pretty much fucked.  The only thing saving Portugal is there history with China (lest you forget I am fairly certain they were the first Europeans who made contact with China almost 600 years ago).  Everyone I read here int he States seems to think the idea of a double dip is dead but I would posit that when the Euro periphery goes it will drag us right back down.  Just saying...

I love Tom Keene on BBRG!  The guy is one of the most erudite, polished, professional reporters left in the media.  He wears bow ties!  So when I hear his stentorian voice on the  I usually look up from my screens to watch and listen; however, when his show Midday Surveillance throws in those cheesy sound effects all I can think of is the episode from Family Guy where Brian took over the radio show only to have Stewie come in and completely corrupt it.  I actually had one of my moments where I sent Mr. Keene a BBRG message expressing those exact thoughts.  He did not reply to me- probably because I added it was very CNBCish...

My man crush at work did the Florida Iron Man this past weekend.  He showed me a picture of himself crossing the finish line at 13 hours, 23 minutes and  53 seconds.  I didn't even notice the time as I was too enthralled seeing him all lean and sweaty in Lycra.  He also finally started dipping again today (which was why he came over to the desk) and I made him do the Skoal Longcut Mint that was easily 5 months old and drier than a nun's twat...

I was at a loss for lunch today.  Then it hit me.  I went to MCD and got a McRib.  Seriously, it was just like the title of the post says...I think I also caught the leprechaun and got the pot of gold.

I finally capitulated and set up a doctor's appointment to get my knee checked out.


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