Saturday, June 11, 2011

Snakes on a (Cartesian) Plane

So, I just want to reiterate that Greece will restructure reprofile their debt default.  The phrase they use to describe it does not matter, the end result is the same.  In case it was doubted, I read last night that the French banks said they'd go along with it if everyone else did.  You know why?  The French banks have huge exposure already and it is like the old axiom that when you borrow $100 from a bank you are in debt to them but make it $100 million and you are in business together.

I did not know this about Dell computers but they only allow their own power cords to charge the batteries in them.  I found that out the other weekend when I forgot mine so went and bought a generic Rocketfish power cord only to be told that m laptop could not recognize it and the battery would not charge blah blah blah.  That is bullshit.

I am actually in the apartment in the city this weekend with the boys.  We got the floors in the bedrooms and den refinished to match the floor we put in.  They got sanded stained and polyurethaned to match.  So we could not use the cottage.  In actuality the floors got "ebonized."  I read an article about a loft for sale in the WSJ and that term was used in describing what the sellers had done and it is exactly what we did.  I was so naive to call it refinishing...

I took the boys to see X-Men:  First Class toady and they thought it was a great flick.  They had no idea I had already seen it.  We also looked at phones for my youngest as he is finishing 5th grade this week and so he gets a cell phone.  He wants the LG Vortex mainly because he can turn it into a mobile hot spot.  Initially the thought was I'd buy his phone and he'd go on his mom's plan as an extra line.   Now I think I will just add him as a third line to my plan and not have to deal with the hassle that would come with her adding him as she is a bit of a Luddite and I am not sure she even has a data plan.

One week left 'til the race.  My mom asked me if I and the husband were ready for it.  I told her clearly the husband is as he already did one.  As for my state of readiness we'll find out the day of the race.  Tomorrow I will be doing a 16 mile bike ride with the husband- oh joy.

The husband called me this morning on my way back from the gym to tell me we had snakes in the basement and apparently one of them got caught int he glue trap we had down there for mice.  There is one more slithering around.

He took a picture and emailed it to me.  He was down in the basement with the electrician to find out about replacing the original panel.   We thought the house was only wired for 100 amps and these days the norm is 200 amps.  We thought we might have to run a new line from the street to the cottage until we found out from the utility company that to do so would entail a substantial amount of money and require they install a frackin' manhole on the property.  So our electrician said he could create a side panel  and we just wouldn't be able to run every appliance in the kitchen, the a/c and the washer and dryer at the same time- like that would happen anyhow.  Our electrician was psyched to find out we are actually getting 175 amps in but the wiring from the meter to the panel can only handle 100.  So he just needs to replace the wiring from the meter and install a new panel. 

This coming week is going to be busy.  I am staying down at the cottage tomorrow night so the husband and I can finally put all the stuff back on the dried floors.  I am back down there Tuesday night for my youngest son's spring concert and will just stay the night.  I am then down there again Thursday night for my youngest son's  5th grade "completion" ceremony and will stay there again.  


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