Monday, December 17, 2012

Alcohol saves the day again...sorta...

So we had a bit of a snafu with the Christmas cards this year.  The husband had made the comment(s) he was sick and tired of the same old, boring family photo.  Ok, I decide I will take care of that situation.  I get Farmer Vinny to take a family photo that I staged and no one got to have input on it.  The photo was great and I was cracking myself up about it and the little message I put in it. Thursday night I had the company Christmas party and of course was drunk and wisely got a hotel room half a block from the office for the night so I would not kill myself driving home from the train station.  No big deal right?  Well some of the cards, namely our friends and family whose surnames begin with the letters A through C had been addressed.  Friday morning the horror in Connecticut takes place.  Well the cards for A-C got mailed out.  Suffice to say I sent out an email from work this morning to those people explaining the situation, apologizing at how the card in hindsight is completely inappropriate and that I will be sending out new ones- with a boring family photo.  I have learned that there is clearly a reason for the boring family photo on the Christmas card.  And clearly getting drunk at the company Christmas party prevented me from prepping the remaining cards to be mailed out.

Since we are on the topic, several friends have commented the card is pretty hilarious- clearly why these people are our friends.  And I got a very reassuring pat on the back from Mr. Barrett telling me I "handled the clean up well from a crisis communications point of view."  That made me feel a bit better as that is his job so he knows what he is talking about.

I am done shopping for everyone on my list and I actually have all the gifts wrapped and under the tree ready for the big day. 

We are having friends over to dine on Christmas Eve then I will pick up the boys the afternoon Christmas day and drop them off in the evening.  I am def wearing my Christmas pants Christmas Eve for dinner.

The AFHP ends this Friday and I must say I am looking forward to shaving.

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