So yesterday morning Headphones was on the bus again and sat right in front of me. Holy crap the guy is hot- blond, very fit looking (although he could and should wear tighter shirts), nice ass (his pants are appropriately tight), hot mug. He eats very neatly too as he ate his breakfast while the bus took us to the city- with a napkin no less (I'd have just wiped my hands on my pants).
I hate riding the bike! I did a complete half assed job on it, rode for about a hour and got just about 15 miles.
Apparently my hard drive at work had to be rebuilt. IT did Monday morning. Yesterday one of my favorite IT guys- the Russian- came over and told me they were going to be re-imaging my old hard drive and did I have everything I needed off it. I told him, yes I had already transferred and deleted all my porn. He paused then laughed nervously. I love messing with IT guys.
A while ago I bet one of the PMs at the office the euro would be gone by the end of '11. It was the usual bet that the Duke Brothers made famous. Yesterday morning he is now saying he thinks it is gone as well and doesn't see how it can survive. Two things: The frackin' bastard is gonna welsh on the bet and if he is now saying it is gone I will now reverse myself and say it survives. I have seen the guy pick stocks and he is usually a contra indicator.
I read yesterday about Galaxy 15, the zombiesat. It is a communications satellite that the authorities allege was fried by a solar flare recently. I use the term allege because it seems that even though it's brains are fried it is still fully operational and doing its own thing. They are also concerned it could hit another satellite or even steal another satellite's signal. so what I think is happening is either some super secret criminal enterprise- think A.I.M., Hydra or Fenris- or an alien force has taken it over and is now controlling it. Why? Well if it is the first, they are planning to execute a Dr. Evil type extortion scheme. If it is the latter well it is obvious they are testing, probing, determining our planetary defenses in preparation for a possible invasion.
I hit the dojo last night to make up for my classes I missed Monday night. Tuesday night classes are not nearly as packed. It was both a good thing and a bad thing. Good because sensei is much more focused with so few people; bad in that you get a lot of variation because there are so few people. The other bad thing is it was the late classes. So I did not get home until roughly 10:30. I was a bit full of adrenaline and couldn't go to bed right away so watched SciFi.
This morning I woke up with a pain in my toes on my right foot. I also woke up rather late- too late to hit the pool. No big deal.
No one of note on the bus.
So, one of the women on the desk was on a conference call this morning to discuss the flash crash we had last week and what to do about the circuit breakers and coordination between exchanges/market places. The result is there will be actual coordination now. That is all fine and dandy but it really leads to a bigger question because I asked her if the circuit breakers will be direction neutral. They won't be. They will only kick in on the downside. That is implicitly telling the public that they should not worry, if things go down too much you are going to be protected and/or bailed out. If the markets however go up the same way then the authorities will not slow things down and protect people from making bad investments. This policy has been in place since the crash of '87. It epitomizes the moral hazard of the Greenspan put, Rubin bailing out Mexico, the Fed bailing out LTCM, etc. They authorities are encouraging every investor to continue to make poor investment choices. We will always have bubbles and crashes until the investors start pricing risk correctly and the authorities actions prevent that from happening.
So sometimes family is funny, odd and annoying all at the same time. A few weeks ago I got an email from a family member telling me that even though I am angry and upset that God has already forgiven me and I don't need to change or be healed. WTF? I debated replying, had conversations with my smart brother and the husband. The opinions on what to do were varied but I decided to ignore it and if it happens again I will respond. I guess I don't see myself as angry or hurt and I did not realize that I needed God's forgiveness let alone that I have already received it. Does that mean I am in a state of grace? Isn't that why Joan of Arc got burned at the stake and the Cathars had some problems? My smart brother told me I should not even write about it here but whatever.
No dojo tonight as my toes are killing me and one of them (guess it would be the index toe) is swollen. I will try and run tomorrow morning though. Maybe Icy Hot will help.
1 comment:
i get letters from my mom telling me that my immortal soul is in jeopardy all the time...which oddly is an improvement from her telling me that I am going to hell. My dad thinks the same thing but doesn't say as much about it. Neither of them have asked me about my relationships in over 6 years. It's kinda lonely sometimes.
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