I did not hit the gym yesterday morning as I was banged up from the night before at the dojo- sweep the leg! Speaking of that, Thursday night I partnered up with this guy for drills. He sounded like he had a French accent and I wondered if he was also gay. That got me wondering if all French guys are guy much like most Brits are. PF opined that he bets most French guys have tried le coq once or twice. The guy was handsome and flexible too and was taking drills a bit way too seriously.
Yesterday morning's bus ride was a non-event.
Apparently last night was Walpurgis Night. Sadly I did not have a place to light a bonfire but I hope next year I'll be able to do so down at the house. Bonfires at night always remind me of my high school days. For some reason a bonfire at night immediately entails beers. Of course it isn't really a bonfire until someone has had enough beers that they think they can actually leap or jump over the bonfire- with some egging on from everyone else of course. I can say unequivocally I was never that guy.
I called to set up the triple play at the house- cable, internet and phone line. I have not had a land line in over five years so it will be a bit odd. The odd thing I found out was that they asked me for my social security number. I told them no, they don't need it. They said well you'll have to pay a refundable deposit then. I said fine, no problem. I have to say I am psyched to have cable again. We currently have DirecTV and I am less than pleased with it. The one thing about cable though is they no longer offer a plain dvr cable box, they no only offer one with their HD service and the premium package.
I found out some interesting things about my Storm 2 recently. First off is it does not come pre-loaded with Texas Hold 'Em. I miss that as I used to play it on the bus ride home to decompress. They do however have Word Mole. I discovered how fun and addictive that game is while on our vacation and it is now my daily game for the bus ride home. The other interesting thing (which VZ does not tell you when you buy it) is that if you download GMail onto your Storm 2 you crash the entire phone. Thank God I did it at work and IT was able to fix everything.
I find it eerily reminiscent of the whole BSC and LEH situation what is going on with Greece and Spain currently. Everyone keeps saying it is not the same situation but I think it is the same. In hindsight the one thing we should have learned from the BSC/LEH issue was we should have let BSC fail and saved LEH. I hope the EU realizes that and lets Greece default and does everything it can to save Spain.
I read yesterday morning that one of the ratings agencies has issues with the UK banks and the CRE bubble that is about to burst and crush them. That coupled with the comment from the CEO of Commerzebank in Germany (he admitted the bank will need more- a lot more- capital) gets me even more concerned. The funny thing is no one in the media wanted to focus on Commerzebank's comments.
Adam Johnson on BBRG really annoys me for some reason. I can't place my finger on it but he seems very slick and slimy in some way. I would not trust that guy as far as I could throw him.
The weekend weather is supposed to be great. I just turned on the a/c as it may hit 90 today. My oldest and I tried to go play tennis this morning but the courts were being used for lessons. So we reserved one for tomorrow morning at 9 AM. We'll shower up, get some lunch and head off tot he pier park in Hoboken for he afternoon. The husband has left for AC to go tot he Weezer concert.
Speaking of Weezer, last night on the drive down to pick up the boys, on AltNation they had Weezer covering MGMT's "Kids" and in the middle of it Weezer switched over to covering Laddy GaGa's "Poker Face." It was pretty damn cool.
Witht he gluten intolerant husband gone for the night we are going with pizza and pasta for dinner for the three of us.
The boys were totally psyched with their souvenirs from Mexico.
1 comment:
what would it serve the ratings people to list everyone that's truly in trouble? I sure it's their job but the fear it would pump into the system would crash the markets and make their clients pennyless. I think they are playing the safe game of dripping the wounded players onto the market, hoping that someone clever somewhere finds a solution that makes the problem go away.
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