Sunday, May 16, 2010


So Thursday morning I ran. Not a bad run, felt ok with it. Don't recall anyone on the bus.

Thursday after work I had drinks with a business associate. It was fun and I of course asked if they were hiring and if I could send in the husband's resume. He said sure so I asked he husband when I got home as I know he is not a big fan of the firm but he acquiesced.

As I write now I don't recall a lot of what my thoughts were from Friday regarding the tape other than things are not good. Europe got a new asshole torn into the close but here in the U.S. the Fed and Treasury made sure we did not have a scary close.

Friday after work I took the train down to central Jersey and the husband picked me up. We had dinner with PJ and ST and crashed. Saturday morning we set out to install the invisible fence for the kids. I got to go to Homo Depot and rent an edger. I also got to buy a circular saw with a diamond blade- I had to cut across the driveway to install the wiring for the invisible fence.

The husband and I figured we'd be able to knock this off rather quickly. Boy were we wrong. IT took us most of the day to get the damn thing installed and we did not even finish all of it- we had about 95% done.

We did however get the lawn cut. We borrowed PJ's lawn service. They did a great job on it and the front year looks amazing.

Last night we went to dinner with PJ and ST. I tried to watch some SNL afterwards but was sore and exhausted from being bent over and on my knees all day- no comments you perverts.

This morning we got up and finished the invisible fencing manually. We did not have that much to do so it was done manually. I then hit the switch and the light was green. That meant that we had a successful connection and the circuit was intact. I went over to PJ's house and got the kids. I put the collar on the younger one first as she tends to be fearless and ignore our voice commands. She went gallivanting all over the yard. I saw her run towards the flags, past them, past the barrier and turn around and bolt right back towards me, past me and into the front yard. I found her sitting in the driveway next tot he truck with a pleading look on her face saying I want to go home.

The older one was more chill about it all as he is generally more relaxed and not to tense. He did not even approach the flags.

Friday I met Mr. Barrett at Penn Station. He was in town for the Night of A Thousand Stevies. He had called Thursday to ask if he could crash at our place as the friend he was going with was also moving that day. We told him sure, so I met him as he arrived, gave him the key to our place, had a beer with him and then hopped onto the train to central Jersey. He called me Saturday afternoon as I was installing the fence and the cell reception aint great down there so I lost the call. It seemed like he had a blast though.

After we finished training the kids with the fence I went and picked up the boys to have lunch with them. I got to their mom's house, rang the door bell and my oldest answered with a surprised look on his face. I asked if he remembered he and his brother were having lunch with me. Of course he forgot, his mom was not there- she was at a horse show. I said ok, no problem, get your shoes on and we'll go, where is your brother? He went to get something to eat with his mom's boyfriend. I was upset and pissed with that. I thought maybe I had done something to upset my youngest and he did not want to see me. My oldest and I went to lunch, I sent the ex a text asking if there was a reason my youngest went to the diner with her bf instead of lunch with me. (BTW I was a bit pissed with the ex for not reminding the boys or her bf I was taking them to lunch.). she did not reply. My oldest and I had lunch. I dropped him off and my youngest and the bf were still no where to be seen. I went back to the house.

I did some more work, took the garbage cans over to the dumpster at PJ's house. Came back, dropped off the garbage cans, checked my phone and saw I had a v-mail. IT was from my youngest and he was in tears apologizing for missing lunch with me. I felt bad listening to it but the last line killed me- "Tell me what I can do to pay you back for missing lunch?" My heart dropped and I thought I was going to puke. I immediately called him back and told him he did nothing wrong and that I love him no matter what, always and forever. I calmed him down and eased his pain I think.

We got home, showered up quickly and went off to JD and JW's for a barbecue. Ragnar joined us as well but Umberto had a prior commitment. JW made amazing grilled pork chops, a warm Asian slaw and quinoa salad. It was awesome! It was also great to see Ragnar as I had not seen him in a dog's age.

This should be an interesting week in the markets as the pound is getting crushed. It seems the new government is saying the old Labour government left a bunch of secret spending programs and a huge black hole in the budget. Oh joy.

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