Friday was actually kind of busy at work. I lost my usual bet with the woman who sits next to me. I knew it when the expiration opened at the price of 1050 but was stubborn on making the day finish before I paid her; I was not petty either and did not pay her in all pennies.
Friday after work I hopped on the train out to the beach. I had a couple of roadies with me, played word mole and hearts. I was a bit annoyed with my seating situation. I took one of those two facing two seats and the re was another guy in the one diagonally from me. Of course this annoying couple got on and took the other two seats and their friend sat behind them. That is not what bothered me. Of course after the other guy got off their friend came over and started chatting with them. I had my iPod on of course so I did not have to listen to their inane chit chat. The guy next to me asked me if I would move so their friend could sit there. I only had one stop so of course I moved but wtf, I was there first and you two inserted yourselves after the fact. What ever. I got off at Sayville and hopped onto the shuttle. There were some cute guys but what made me laugh is how everyone was instantly on their phones checking emails, texts, etc to see what and who they'd be doing for the night.
I got off the ferry and the husband was waiting at the dock for me which was very sweet. He had to go to the pantry to get some things for dinner so I went straight to TK's house. TK was starting a fire in the fire place which was awesome as it was a bit brisk that evening. TK made fish for dinner but I got to grill it which of course rocks since fire is cool! We then played cards for a bit. then we went to the local watering hole for some drinks. TK and the husband decided we'd go to the underwear party in the other local watering hole. I was fine with that even though I was wearing somewhat skimpy briefs that left little to the imagination. We get there and I am then informed we will stay in our clothes. WTF? Not only that but the two of them decided it would be best if we stood by the door next tot he clothes check. Again- WTF? So I was no feeling completely like the lecherous old man. I had some beers and then told the two of them we now have a new rule: If we go to the underwear party we are following the rules and will only be in our underwear.
I was trying to have fun and was mildly amused and had my ego stroked as several 20somethings felt the need to pet or touch me as they came by. Things were going fine. Then I noticed the husband had that look on his mug- he was getting bombed. Then I see he has decided any cute guy's ass within reach was fair game and he could grab it. No big deal until this one guy who's ass he grabbed looked up and was not amused. I really thought are you shitting me, I'm gonna get in a fight at an underwear party because the husband is bombed? I told the husband put your drink down we are going home now. I must have used my most authoritative, angry dad voice as he immediately complied and we went home.
The husband of course paid for his excesses the next day. I admit I was mildly petty and thinking serves you right, lol. I then baked two birthday cakes for TK's birthday; one gluten free and one normal. Took a nap. Then the husband and I decided to go visit JB and his housemates before we hit tea. As we were leaving TK scolds us not to come to dinner drunk or buzzed. This was seriously becoming a WTF weekend, lol. (As an aside, TK had two other dinner guests coming over who are in the program and one of them is freshly in it, so I understood the request.)
We got to JB's and the husband's friends were his housemates for the weekend. I forgot how cute the bf of the hairdresser was and I actually learned something by quizzing him about his work. EW was there too and the boy makes strong drinks. At that point I figured I can hide my buzzedness well plus I'd be at the grill during most of the pre-dinner chit chat. All of us then went to tea and actually had an enjoyable time. TK met us there and then we left and started getting dinner ready.
Dinner was actually very nice and the conversation after I finished grilling was quite enjoyable. The other dinner guests made for a nice dinner. After birthday cake and the guests left we all decided it was time for bed.
Sunday was nice as well as I got to read the Times and actually finish the crossword puzzle. TK had to leave before us so I got to take a nap again afterwards.
We then hopped back on the ferry and had dinner with the in-laws. I got to play with fire again as the mother-in-law asked me to grill the steaks and asparagus. Dinner was excellent. The other thing I learned at dinner this weekend is that many French people are already planning for the return of the franc. The husband's step-father is French (and actually a really great guy for being French, I enjoy spending time with him). He recently got an inheritance over in France and is in a rush to get it over here into dollars. He asked the husband and I what we thought of the euro. I told him it is going to parity and disappearing by the end of next year. The husband disagreed and said it will rally. I said hello? It already rallied the last three days of last week, the rally is over and it is going lower. At this point the father-in-law said that is what his sister and other family members over in France are saying.
Speaking of Europe, the pain in Spain is felt mainly in the cajas. The cracks are now clearly visible. The whole idea of taking four near failing cajas and merging them will only make one really big, near failing caja. Good luck with that. The other scary thing in Spain is that tomorrow they have an auction. The last one almost failed so it will be interesting to see how this one goes.
Ah Korea...things are getting scarier now. The President has apparently told the 28,000 troops we have there to prepare for war. We are one or two missteps away form a full blown war in the Korean Peninsula.
I biked this morning and did 10 miles in just under thirty minutes. Great pace but still hate the bike. I then found out the maid doesn't know how to match socks so I was sockless all day today.
I got home, was not feeling the love for the dojo- sweep the leg!- and decided to go for a run with the husband instead as we have just under three weeks until the race and I need to cram a bit. We ran about 7 miles in just under 55 minutes. Great pace.
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