Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Yesterday morning's bike ride was very painful after the night before at the dojo- sweep the leg!

Even though today is Cinco de Mayo, last night I went to a Cinco de Mayo party hosted by a company I do business with. It was fun until my bond friend's ex-wife walked up to me with the Oh my god I didn't recognize you with the glasses and you look great and blah blah blah. It took all of my powers to be completely polite and non-engaging at the same time to the bitch. I forgot she worked at the firm and was surprised she actually tried to chat with me. After she found a customer of hers there and started chatting with him I made a discreet exit stage left and downed one of the pomegranate margaritas-quickly. I then sent a text to my bond friend. He said I did my good deed for the day- more like the decade.

The husband sent me a text to tell me to meet him and two business people who also happen to be friends of his. So I meet them at the Empire Room. Apparently the place is new and it was pretty damn cool. It's this Art Deco like bar (rather appropriately) in the Empire State Building. It was quite fun and I found out one of the husband's friends (who also is a former co-worker of his from almost twenty years ago) is actually the brother-in-law of a guy I have known through my work for about fifteen years now.

Our friends SP and PS had their baby yesterday. They had a little girl; mom and the baby are doing well.

This morning after the pomegranate margaritas and many beers at the Empire Room I skipped the gym. I can make up that swim Friday.

The bus this morning was empty! Seriously I was probably one of only nine people on it.

So the rumors yesterday in the F/X markets were that the BIS had stepped in to support the euro. Now, the F/X markets rumor mill makes the equity market rumor mill look like junior high gossip. But, they also are usually way ahead of the rest of the markets. If the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) really did step in to support the euro that is very bad news and very scary.

Today's market was surprisingly restrained considering the chaos going on in Euroland. There were unconfirmed rumors that both the Greek and Portuguese bond markets were put on holiday.

I saw an article on StarCraft 2. Apparently it is some huge video game coming out. Funny thing is there is a kid at the dojo- Kobra Kai never die!- that was a beta tester on it. He mentioned it in passing a couple of weeks ago between sparring rounds.

Iron Man 2 opens this weekend! The boys and I will be going to see it. The husband will be off picking up his sister from college.

The boss and I went out to grab some lunch yesterday. We hit the local Pret A Manger and there was a sandwich with chutney on it. Sorry but the word chutney just grates on my ears and I cannot buy or consume anything that has chutney in it. Chutney- the word just sounds wrong.

1 comment:

Tim said...

*note been gone for a few weeks so i suppose this moment is long past*

isn't Pret A Manger owned my Mcdonalds? I didn't realize there were any on this side of the pond. do any of their sandwiches have cheese AND meat? cause wtf no british sandwich ever seems to pair cheese and meat together.