Yesterday I kind of screwed up my gym routine. I ran a quick three miles and lifted in the morning when what I was supposed to do was bike. The positive is I got to see the hot blond kid at the gym next to my office. After I sat down at the desk and checked out my Outlook calendar I realized the screw up. So I just hit the gym on Hoboken and biked 20 miles. This way I slept in a bit late and don't have to worry about the gym tonight which is a good thing as I am going back into the city for PF's birthday party. The husband was supposed to go too but he had a business dinner unexpectedly with someone from out of the country he could not blow off.
So my oldest got a motorized Razr scooter for Christmas. Apparently over the weekend he took a corner a bit too fast and there was gravel around the bend. He went flying, thankfully he wears a helmet. He did however do something to his wrist. Sunday when he told me he can't text because his wrist hurt I thought he was being facetious due to the fact he just got texting back. Then he explained it to me. Yesterday he went to the doctor with his mom and had it X-rayed. Nothing broken, just a bad sprain.
I did not start back at the dojo last night as I want to go at least three nights a week and can't do that this week. I can next week though so I will start Monday. The husband thought going three nights a week is a bit much and said I should ease back into it. I laughed and told him it is MMA- there is no easing back in, got to jump right back in feet first.
The whole situation in Cali is not getting any better. There is another serious financial storm on the horizon. Yesterday it got downgraded to just barely investment grade. The government is issuing scrip/IOUs to pay bills. Today several large U.S. banks said come Friday they will no longer honor those IOUs. I am reluctant to say the Federal government will most likely have to step in and back stop Cali. Sadly, there are only politicians in the state and no actual statesmen who can look past the next election and do what is right however painful. Cali accounts for roughly 12% of the U.S. GDP; add in NY, TX and IL and you are up to ~40%. The muni market is close to imploding.
GS had proprietary code stolen. Not a big deal unless, as they assert, if someone who knows how to use it gets their hands on it they could manipulate the markets unfairly. Well for me that begs the question: Does that mean when only GS had it they were manipulating the markets fairly? Seriously, that is all but an outright admission by them that they have been doing just what everyone has suspected and what the Rolling Stone article said.
Both our government and the Saudi government have given Israel tacit approval to do whatever they feel needs to be done with the Iranian situation. That makes me a bit nervous as Iran and it's agents of terror have been in the business a long time and I am sure have some sort of contingency plans for something that might happen.
I am a bit disappointed at how our government is handling the whole Honduras situation. Zelaya was trying to pull off a Chavez, the judiciary and military said no way and booted him. Now we are saying he should be back in power? Latin America is a bit of a tinderbox and they, rightly so, have little faith in us to do what is right for them. Do we really need another Chavez in Central America? President Obama should un-friend Chavez on facebook.
So the Fed has done some research on mortgage modifications. Guess what? They don't work in preventing foreclosures. If they don't work then the program should be ended. Yes it will suck but we need to start taking our medicine. We partied real hard for over 20 years thanks to Greenspan but the time has come to start doing the right thing.
I am swimming tomorrow morning. The husband and I are then hosting friends for dinner. The husband is rushing to have as many dinner guests over as we can before we have to move. Next week the boss and his lovely bride are coming over. I have to hand it to the boss, a great guy and we have become friends. Of course it was his wife's idea- I mean seriously, every straight girl loves the idea of having gay friends, lol.
This weekend we are at the beach with the boys and JD and JW. Looking forward to it.
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Note to file: "If you are going to overthrow a strongman--don't exile him, kill him!"
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