So I went to the new gym this morning and jumped i the pool with the swim club/team. The coach put me in the fast/intermediate lane which I was ok with. Then he handed me the work out. It was a pyramid. All freestyle. Holy crap I was dying and did not finish it. Although I don't see how I could have finished the whole thing in a hour as the total yardage for the workout was 5,095 yards. I did roughly 3500 of it I think- well that is what I told the husband. Did not really check out any of the other swimmers. The coach said it was pretty thin as many people are on vacation. They all seemed nice though and introduced themselves but I can't recall any of their names. It was the first time I actually kicked while I was swimming in a long time and most of the day my hip flexors were making me pay for my enthusiasm.
I had a great engaging email exchange with JW today which kind of made my day as I think we have agreed to a beer and politics get together on an as yet determined regular basis. He and I definitely have fundamental political differences but I think we are both open minded enough to listen to each other without the usual dismissive responses that people who disagree end up giving. We have not resorted to name calling but we are both human and we have agreed to discuss politics and alcohol will be involved so I am sure at some point that will happen, lol. It is my liberal arts undergrad education that I believe has made me willing to listen to other points of views and try to make a better, more informed decision. It gets back to the idea that an open, free exchange of ideas doesn't hut and actually can make you learn.
I don't get this tape but last week my bond guy friend told me I am secularly right on the state of our economy but cyclically wrong. i.e. I am too early. It is the big week for earnings and that is all that matters right now. Not necessarily if you had any or good ones but what kind of outlook a company can give going forward. I sometimes forget the market is the most efficient discounting mechanism, as a whole, currently around and in use.
Tonight I hit the dojo again (Kobra Kai- never die!). I get seriously beat up. I walked out of there with abrasions on my mug, legs are killing me and my ribs are sore. It was great! I will be back there tomorrow evening. The husband trained in the city and then went and saw a movie with a girlfriend of his.
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