This weekend was a lot of fun out at the beach with the boys and the weather was great. I left right from work at 4:14 and got to the ex' house at 5:30. However the drive to the ferry completely sucked. The Belt Parkway blew in a big way. We just missed the 8:30 boat so the boys ordered french fries and I had a cocktail or too and caught the 9:30 boat. The liquor store was still open so I bought some tequila and wine as I knew the husband and our guests would need a stiff drink once they got there. We also stopped and bought firewood so we would have a nice fire going to greet them. Apparently the Throgs Neck Bridge was shut down most of Friday and that just threw everything into complete and total chaos traffic-wise.
JW and JD rode out with the husband and the kids and they caught he last boat over Friday night. I had drinks waiting for them, put the boys to bed and then we sat in front of the fire and had some nightcaps.
Saturday the weather was amazing. The boys and I took the kids out for a walk on the beach and because it was so early they got to be off their leashes. The boys had fun running down the beach with the kids. I made breakfast quesadillas after being emboldened by the tapas night we had Wednesday. They were a huge hit.
I told the boys we were going to tea- I know the ex lets my oldest babysit/be in charge and leaves the two of them alone for a while so I did not see it being an issue that I would to tea for a hour and let them watch t.v. Besides my oldest has a cell if anything happened. My youngest asked if he could go have tea with us, lol. The husband explained what it was an for the rest of the weekend the oldest and he were using air quotes whenever the referred to tea.
We came home and made dinner which was a hit. I then asked JW, JD and the boys to go collect sticks so we could make s'mores over the fireplace. JW had never before had s'mores and he was as excited as the boys. They were great.
Sunday I took the boys to the beach. We had a paddle ball tournament which my youngest won. We than took a nice walk on the beach. My oldest found a small piece of driftwood. He decided he was going to bring it home. When we were leaving the beach to go get lunch I noticed he did not have it with him. He said well it is just a piece of wood that has been i water a while and floated up on shore. I just laughed.
We got back to the house, JW and JD had left and the husband, I and the boys played shark in the pool. Then the three of us ran to the ferry to get back. I was sweating my ass off by the time we barely made the boat. As we were driving back to central Jersey my youngest asked if maybe next year they could go to the beach every other weekend they were with us in the summer. I said nope, you are either all in or only the one or two times.
I swam for 40 minutes this morning and almost got 2400 yards in. No hot guys of note at all.
So CIT is now apparently too big to fail. I am surprised that the Treasury is overriding the FDIC on this. We are sliding down this slope so fast...Apparently
everyone is too big to fail.
California's IOUs are supposedly trading on eBay. WTF? The SEC said they are marketable securities so they have to be bought and sold only by registered brokers. Regardless, what broker would be willing to put his ass on the line by recommending this to a client when they are effectively a maturity of infinity?
Is it just me or does Christine Romer remind anyone else of Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter?
Tomorrow the boss and his wife are coming over for dinner so I am actually up a bit late making dessert for them. I am doing my triple berry crumble topped pie. The table got set ahead of time too as the boss will most likely take the bus back here with me. The husband set the menu.
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