Tuesday night dinner with the boss and his wife was a hit. The only mix-up was the husband and I forgot to buy scallions the night before so I had to email him while he was on his way home to stop at the local grocery store and pick some up. He had business drinks so was running late anyhow. It was fine though as the boss, his wife and I dug into the cheese and crackers and drank wine while I was starting to make the roast and zucchini side dish. At one point I had to ask who was driving home;the boss was so I cut him off- actually he is pretty level headed and cut himself off.
Wednesday morning I saw Crutches on the bus. He is still pretty damn cute. See him from time to time at the gym.
One of the highlights of my day was one of my older friends in the business called. He has lived in London for the last six or seven years with is wife and kids. He just moved back about three weeks ago. He and I had a lot of fun when we were single and young punks in the business. He asked about my old dog, told him she passed away about 5 years ago. He was bummed as she loved him and he liked her. I am not sure if I ever had the conversation with him as to what the reason for the divorce was, aka I like dick, but he never asked and I am fairly certain it doesn't matter to him.
Speaking of friends in the business, the kid who used to work with me at the hf IMed me the other day and asked what is it with 'mos and tight shirts. He said we are all attention whores. I asked what the fuck he was talking about. Apparently he had been speaking with his old roommate who also works int he business and lives in the building next to us. I ran into him one Sunday a few weeks ago at brunch with the boys. He told my old co-worker I am totally ripped and look like I weigh 165 lbs. soaking wet. I thanked him for the compliment but said no I am closer to my fighting weight than what I weighed my freshman year in college.
I swam yesterday morning, only for 20 minutes. The pool was freakin' packed, which is unusual that early on a Thursday. I had to share a lane but the other swimmer was hot so I was ok with it. He was shorter than me, all scruffy and had a swimmers build- lithe and muscular (just because I rarely get to use the word lithe). When the lifeguard came to our lane and told us our time was up he tried to argue. PF suggested it was because he wanted to be around me longer, lol. I just got out as it is not worth arguing.
The pool incident yesterday did get me thinking though there has to be a better one near work. Sure enough there is a full sized pool three blocks away. They also have a swim club/team that practices from 6-7 AM every morning M-F. I discussed it with the husband. I sent notice to HR that effective AUG 31 I wold like to cancel my and his gym memberships (I get a corporate discount and so do all my family members and spouse so it gets paid fro my earnings). I then set up an appointment to go check out the new place today after work. It seems just like what I am looking for and I really don't lift or swim on the weekends so I joined. I told the consultant that I am interested in the swim club/team as well. He said I can just show up Monday morning for it.
I was supposed to go to the dojo tonight for two hours of classes. I did not realize however that it was someone on the desk's birthday. We took him out for drinks after (before I joined the new gym) and decided that going to the dojo with several drinks in me was not a bright idea (but joining a new gym was?). SO I'll hit it tomorrow morning for two hours of getting my ass kicked back into fighting shape.
Tomorrow the husband and I are going down to central Jersey to visit ST and PJ. We will hang out by their pool and then go to dinner. We are planning on spending the evening there as well. It will be good to see them and the kids love it down on the farm.
Sunday we are having brunch with PF and DR then going to see Bruno with them. The boys keep asking if they can see it and keep stressing it is only PG-13. I flat out told them no as it will get me into some sort of hot water with their mom if and when she finds out.
I of course have some issues with the way the stealth nationalization of our health care system is being done. Most importantly what bothers me is that choice is actually being taken away. One of the proposals is that people who chose not to have health insurance- either the public option or private- will be taxed, i.e. penalized, for that choice. I think that is not a slope we really want to be going down but who am I to say. I got into a heated discussion about it with the woman who sits next to me at work. She said she was all for a benign dictatorship in health care. I told her that is an oxymoron as no dictatorship is benign. taking away the right to choose is not good even if it means people making stupid choices. This is the land of the free right?
California is about to go to junk. That is why the Treasury is saying fuck you to CIT. They are a pimple on the economy's ass compared to Cali going under. They did the right thing and I may have been wrong in one of my earlier post about Sheila Bair. I need to re-evaluate my standing on her. But hold on, it is not just California. Today Philadelphia stopped paying vendors doing business with the city. This is getting dicier every day.
I really want and hope the economy rebounds. I need it to for my own continued employment and economic well being. But all this crap going on keeps me nervous. I keep thinking about Aesop and his one fable about the ants and the grasshopper. We as a society have been grasshoppers for the last 25 years. We are turning into ants. That is good but it is going to engender a lot of pain, discomfort and dislocations. I read today someone doesn't expect the economy to recover until 2015 at he soonest. At what point do we call an eight year recession a depression?
So next week the legal department is holding a mandatory meeting for all of us in regards to e-communications. They sent out the slides ahead of time and of course they discussed blogging and had the blogspot logo on one of the slides. I am curious as to what they have to say and will be listening intently.
On a positive note I was totally psyched to see Family Guy get nominated for an Emmy for Best Comedy. C'mon Peterson and Quahog!!!
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