Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sometimes I like it rough

I work up this morning very sore and with a definite shiner.  I also have a scab right above my eye.  The husband asked what I was going to tell people who asked and I told him what I had planned and he said absolutely not.  So I figured out something else to say on the bus ride in and I had the chance to use the line in the elevator up with one of the global PMs I work for.  She looked at me and said "you have a black eye!"  I said yes, observant of you.  She asked how I got it.  "Sometimes I like it rough."  She turned beet red and laughed saying she really didn't have a response for that.  I got to the desk the boss asked me and I told him "It's tough to say your safe word clearly with the zipper on the mask closed."  He burst out laughing and said "Karate.  Right??"  I told him yes.

I did my 5 mile run that I was supposed to do Sunday.  I finished it a bit under 44 minutes- not bad but I have my work cut out for me to be ready for the race.  Of course there were some cute guys in the gym as usual but none that really wowed me.

Egypt- on the desk today we kept talking about it.  Rumors were flying around that the Mubaraks had fled the country.  Videos of riots all over the internets.  Rumors that the government shut down Twitter in the country and had disabled data services on many phone lines.  Of course we had to bring this to the attention of the global PMs.  they seemed to brush it off until the boss told me to email the story in the WSJ about two protesters getting killed.  He then was all over the global guys and surprise I get an email form one of them who supposedly has contacts on the ground over there and they are saying it is not a big deal.  Right and I bet a lot of people thought that about Tunisia as well....

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