So the weekend was somewhat busy and yet lazy at the same time- quite the Schrodinger's cat weekend.
I picked the boys up Friday evening and we went back to the apartment. They were a bit bummed we were not going to be in the cottage but I told them it was not fully ready yet. Friday night was lazy, everyone to bed by 11 PM.
Saturday I think I had some kind of bug as I was not feeling well and had a headache most of the day. I had promised the husband and my oldest though that I would make meatballs for dinner so once I got that done and in the pot of sauce it was nap time. I still took some ibuprofen, got up had dinner and then we were off to see The Season of the Witch. Yes the flick go bad reviews but it was a good Saturday night movie even though we went to the late show and got home around 12:15 AM.
Sunday morning we got up and started packing up all the boys stuff in their room in the apartment. The husband was surprised with how many boxes we had. As we were getting ready to get in the truck and go tot he cottage my oldest completely surprised me when he said he was going to miss the apartment. I asked why and he said it was actually cool and fun. He said the driving every weekend he and his brother were with us was not fun but living on the 17th floor with views of the New York City skyline, having an ice skating rink in front of the building and a grocery store right across the street that had sushi all the time.
We got tot he cottage and unpacked everything and set up the boys room. Once that was done, their tv, dvd player and Wii set up they were set. They also got to see the kitchen cabinets we had installed and they liked them but my youngest said they would be better if they had handles to pull on them. I told him we have them but won't be installing them until all the cabinets are in.
Yesterday ST brought over his pug puppies for the boys to see. These three are pretty damn cute and the boys were in heaven. My oldest took pictures and videos of them to show his mom and beg her if they can have one. I told him good luck as she already gave him the big negatory on that. He tried and I was right.
Shockingly both bus rides today had hot guys everywhere. It was quite a change from the past few months.
The husband was down at the cottage today with his step father and they finished installing the remaining cabinets. That means either tomorrow or Wednesday the hot Ukrainian counter top guy will be in to template it and we should have counter tops installed within three to four days. That leaves just the plumber to come in and install the dishwasher and the kitchen faucet. We are also going to have the plumber hook up the temporary sink we had been using down in the basement so we have some type of wash basin there and set up a line for the washing machine we will get some time later.
The whole Arizona shooting event- let me correct that- the attempted assassination of a sitting member of Congress is really appalling. It reinforces my belief that we are descending to banana republic status- but a really big one with the current reserve currency of the world.
I was stunned to see all the right wing nut jobs disavow any responsibility for it. Seriously, when Rep. Gifford's opponent in the recent election held a come shot an M-1 with me election event, can you honestly say that did not have any impact on the thought process of some mentally unhinged individual.
I was more stunned to find out it is completely legal in Arizona to carry a concealed weapon. WTF? I am all for allowing citizens to own arms and bear them but I have no issues with tightening up the regulation of who can exercise that right. The Army rejected the kid- hell they will take just about anyone these days. You'd think there would be a database for people buying guns to check against things like that.
So the conspiracy theorist in me was all aflutter when I saw that a PGN lobbyist died in a car fire. What got me interested was that PGN was involved in a massive deal announced today. Her husband is the White House liaison to the House of Representatives. The car fire occurred in her fracking garage. Apparently her SUV hit a work table there and burst into flame. Sorry, call me crazy but something is off kilter there.
Issuing secret subpoenas- sounds like something the GOP would do if they ran things. Sadly it happened under the Dems' watch. It seems that the government issued them to at least Twitter in connection to Wikileaks. Twitter basically told the government frack you and released the details.
Italy seems to think they are being unfairly punished by the markets- ha. Yeah and Portugal, Greece, Ireland and Spain all think the same thing.
You have to love the irony of Rep. Sander (R-Indiana) has sponsored a bill for "out of state manure regulation." Please- that means no state could send anyone to Congress...
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