Gym this morning was uneventful and I was kind of out of it on the bike. I didn't even really check out the other guys there and did not feel like being there. I did not forget my underwear this time at least.
The bus ride was again rather disappointing. I am going to guess all the hotties must be riding the PATH in the winter.
I guess I am still wrong on the markets as I seem to still be focusing on the facts. Everyone is raving about how both Spain and Portugal pulled off bond auctions. Ok, does anyone realize the rates they had to pay? And Japan- do they really have the space to be riding to the rescue of Europe? I read somewhere their debt/GDP ratio is 200%. Not really fiscally healthy enough to be bailing out others.
I had to run out of the office early so I could attend a school concert my youngest son was in. Usually the chorus- which is what he is in (it's mandatory at his school) goes first but not this time. I had to sit through the band, the choral ensemble, the orchestra and then the band and orchestra together. The chorus was last. My youngest was in the back row on the highest riser so I had a good view of him. his older brother sat next to me and we were debating if he was faking singing. He also almost started laughing a few times. After the concert I asked him if he had been faking any singing and he vowed he had not.
I then had to hop in the car and get back to the apartment and work in Asia.
Tomorrow I am down to the cottage after work with some tables and clothing. The husband and I will finish baseboards and casing ideally.
I was surfing through the channels as I was working in Asia and came across HGTV and the promo of the dream house they are offering. It is in Stowe and while it looks amazing getting to Stowe is a major pain in the ass.
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