Wednesday, December 8, 2010


So I was up until midnight last night for work and catching Glee on the dvr.  It was a cute, ok Christmas episode but it did reinforce my belief that Brittany is one of the best characters- and best acted- on the show.

Due to my late night I totally skipped the gym this morning, waking up at 6:45, quickly showering and getting dressed and catching a later than usual bus.  There was one cute guy on the bus this morning.

The work load did not stop.  I think today was one of my busiest days in quite some time.  It was definitely one of the largest volume days I have had in a long time as well.  I was pretty fried mentally by the end of the day and decided to skip the dojo- sweep the leg!

The husband cxld the refrigerator with BBY and go the same one from SHLD for less and they delivered it today.  I will now be writing a letter of complaint- old school style, sent through the USPS- and have my 8th grade English teacher to thank for teaching me how...I told the husband he cannot write it as his Latin temper would not make it a proper letter of complaint.

Today I asked my international PM if I would be busy tomorrow night as it is the Christmas Holiday party and I will most likely be imbibing copious amounts of beer.  The reply was no as a client visit is on the docket tomorrow and it is halfway across the country.

I happened to see a guy wearing a parka today on the way home.  I shuddered at the sight.  I had parkas growing up all the time until I was in 7th grade and I completely detested it.  All my friends had ski jackets which I though were so cool and I was not allowed to get one.  So of course I joined the school ski club in 7th grade just so I could say I needed one.  It worked and I had ski jackets all the time from then on.  The only other thing that comes close to making me shudder like that are pack boots- you know those green runner ones you had all through elementary school that had yellow laces and you wore the plastic bread bags to slide them on.

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