Monday, December 13, 2010

Breaking the ice

The office party Thursday night was a blast.  One of my coworkers who shares the same surname as I (but we are not directly related) and I started pre-gaming at 4:30 at a local dive bar.  One of the other micks in the office met us and we proceeded to have quite a few PBRs as it was happy hour and the special was 2 for 1.  The other mick who does not share our surname closed it out there by shot gunning a beer- which impressed the bar wench as she claimed she had never seen it done.

When we got to the barbecue joint it was just starting.  We did not wait for the coat check line as it was snaking half way around the room and went straight to the bar- shocker no? By the time the line had died down and we checked our coats the band was on the stage and announcing karaoke would be starting as soon as  someone volunteered.  Say no more.  I walked right up and did the first song, Roger Miller's "King of the Road."  I was home and in bed by 10:30 PM for the record...

Friday morning, oh hell, ALL of Friday was painful.  I was not the only one hurting either.  I found out that the boss and several others kept going after I decided to go home.  I actually was off the desk in the morning  to get some greasy food and fruit punch.  When I got back I was told the CIO was looking for me.  I walked up to his office and asked if I was fired.  He laughed and said no, I was to be complimented for breaking the ice by going first.  After I went it was like the dam broke and the karaoke did not stop all night.

Friday I picked up the boys and the kids.  The husband stayed at PJ and ST's farm as the refrigerator replacement door was coming Saturday morning.  I am psyched to say it was a nice Friday evening.  The boys have totally gotten into Supernatural  so we watched it and then watched some Cartoon Network.  Then right to bed.

Saturday was nice and lazy.  JP stopped by for breakfast and he brought it!  All I had to do was make coffee.  It was great catching up with JP as his current gig keeps him busier than a one armed barber and we rarely see him.

I decided against ordering out pizza or sushi which seems to have become the norm when we have the boys.  So I went to the store and picked up some chicken, carrots, celery, red onion, mushrooms and rice and made a quick, American version of coq au vin.  It was surprisingly a big hit with everyone for dinner.

Saturday night was a vampire double feature.  We watched the sequel to The Lost Boys.  Yeah, I did not know there was one either and it was an excellent B-flick.  That was followed by Vampires Suck.  It was good if you like the whole spoof genre.

Sunday the husband went into the city to a brunch we had been invited too but I passed on as the weekends I have my boys it is about them.  I then dropped them off at their mom's house, stopped at the cottage and cleaned out part of the garage filling the dumpster.  This is the second dumpster we have filled.

The Kayak add with Mandy that is running currently- I am jealous of Mandy because she has Dante.  Watch the ad...

OMG the Thor trailer!  All I have to say is got to the one minute, forty-six second mark.  WOOF.

So part of the health care bill was declared unconstitutional.  Let's just agree the entire bill is flawed, not part of it.  The insurance companies are still making out like thieves and act in monopolistic manners.  If the government really wanted to reform health care they would have repealed the anti-trust exemptions the insurers have and made them actually compete like car insurers.  You would also think that the government would make health insurance portable if they wanted to reform health care.  Think about it- when you change jobs you don't have to go and find new car insurance or home insurance or life insurance.  But you do with health insurance?  Does that make sense?

No dojo- wax on, wax off- tonight as I had to get the frackin' Christmas cards done.  I am happy to say I finished them.

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