Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I am not a theater fan

White Pants was on the bus again this morning.  Two days in a row I have seen that hot hunk of man early in the morning.  Makes my day start with a smile.  I sort of stalked him in the Port Authority this morning too.  Stayed a few paces behind him to check out his ass.  Noticed as we were walking down the escalator though that his hair seems to be starting to thin out a bit on the top- still would not kick him out of bed.

A perfect example of federal employees not knowing when enough is enough.  The union representing Amtrak employees wants a pay raise comparable to the employees of the private freight rail lines.  Makes sense I guess until you learn that Amtrak has lost roughly $1 billion dollars over the last decade whereas the private freight lines are all profitable.  Hello?  You are federal employees and are employed by an enterprise that costs us, the taxpayers, money to run as opposed to even just breaking even.  You cannot justify that.  

I am so not a fan of Michael Moore in any way what so ever.  Yet I have to say he did do one thing I think is good and that is offer to put up $20,000 for part of the bail for Julian Assange.  I think Mr. Assange is getting totally fucked over for bringing to light the truth and the power elites in all governments are out to teach him a lesson and send a chill down the spine of everyone who seeks the truth.  I am also annoyed that our own government has apparently blocked all access to Wikileaks on their computers.  So much for freedom of the press and the idea of free thought.

There was a Fed meeting today.  Two words:  Who gives a shit?   They seriously have nothing to say that will change anything.

Had dinner with TK and the husband tonight.  Nice little brassiere near the office.  It was good to catch up with TK.  They were then off to see Angels in America- the first part.  ST asked if I was going and I told him no, I am not a fan of the theater and I don't need to spend three hours watching a gay fantasia when I have summered in The Pines long enough.

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