Still no gym but I am taking to heart the old wives tale of "Feed a cold, starve a fever." I figure one week off is okay.
So last night as I was leaving the boss asks me if I have the new Killers album. Duh! Apparently- actually more like thank God- he does not read my posts. I told him yep, why do you ask? He got the wife tickets to see them in concert as a Christmas gift. Said concert just happens to be this Sunday night. Told him I'd bring it in for him. This morning as I was rushing to get out of the apartment I almost forgot it. I also grabbed the Kings Of Leon and the newest Beck albums for him. The one I forgot and think he'd get a kick out of is Weezer's Red Album.
A few things I saw today while sitting at the desk. Treasury Secretary Geithner actually had the balls to accuse China of manipulating the yuan. First off, why doe she want to piss off the country that holds the largest amount of our debt and could wreak even more havoc on our economy. Second- this is the guy whose character is somewhat questionable. I mean, he used freakin' Turbo Tax to do his own taxes while he worked for the IMF making some serious dough. Add to that that he tried to nickle and dime his own government. He only paid them back when he got caught. He says it was a mistake. Do we really want a Treasury Secretary who can't even use Turbo Tax to correctly figure out if let alone how much taxes he may owe? Moot point as he was confirmed 18-5. I think he will do fine but the character issue sort of sticks in my craw.
While I was reading the WSJ on-line this morning I noticed and ad for the CIA- and I aint talking Culinary Institute of America. I was curious and clicked on it and sure enough took me right to their website. I am sure that they saw everything I looked at and all my work emails, IMs and any trades I was doing as I don't think the NYT Building has a proper Faraday cage.
I am a bit puzzled why Bernake, who is purportedly one of the greatest historians of the Depression, would allow Congress to put into the upcoming stimulus bill a Buy American clause. He should know that one of the prime cause of the Depression was huge protectionist policies everyone put in place at the beginning which only made it worse, deeper and longer.
The cute blond meathead sales guy from corporate was in the office today. I debated winking at him as I walked by to go to the men's room but thought better of it.
Speaking of hot guys. The boxer; ran into him last night after I got home. I walk the kids first thing. Got off the elevator and he was standing there all sweaty and breathing heavy in nice red shorts. Said hi, how's it going. He said hi back, good. Not sure why he was in the building gym that early so tonight walked by the window that looks into to it on my way into the building and there he was stretching out in kind of tight blue shorts. Mr. Barrett would have said WOOF. As I pondered the timing I realized the firm he works for is going through a merger/joint venture deal. He may be a casualty.
After the close GOOG reported. the number the gave was "ex-TAC." I had never heard the term so asked a trader at a major house WTF that means. TAC is traffic acquisition costs. GOOG pays others to send them traffic. SO let me gets this right; you pay other companies to send you traffic but it is not considered when you announce earnings? No company reports plain old earnings anymore. They all have ex something in it. It's an excuse for not making money. Well if we didn't have to pay this we would have made money so you should look at it that way. Doesn't really fir with the new era of responsibility and putting aside childish ways does it?
We have the boys this weekend. Normally I would hurry out of work after the close and drive down to central Jersey to get them and then back up to Hoboken. Well, my oldest has a school dance. He wants to go and his mom is chaperoning it. I spoke with her and it won't get done 'til arond 9:30. We agreed it's kind of dumb to get down there that late and then not get home until 11:30 roughly. I am going to pick them up Saturday morning.
This change of plans means the husband and I are going to see Underworld 3: Rise of The Lycans. Pysched for that and so is the husband even though his movie husband is not in this installment. Scott Speedman was hot and the husband used to belong to the same gym as him; saw him naked in the locker room many times, has a hot ass I am told.
1 comment:
Woot! Rise of the Lycans!!
yeah I'm so there.
Oh didn't you know you get a pass on personal responsibility and integrity if you vote democrat or say that republicans suck. Sure they are the only party that still kicks out their members for committing crimes and all the head democrats got sweet mortgages from Country Wide, but this isn't what you want to focus on... Rangel only missed his taxes because he was confused by his own laws and Geithner only missed paying his taxes because Turbotax is so complicated and Dodd only got sweet loans from Countrywide because he didn't realize it. That's why they are in charge of it now...
sorry was that to much sarcasm.
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