So I got back in the pool this morning. I swam for 20 minutes, if I counted correctly I did 62 laps which translates to roughly six tenths of a mile. As I go out of course there was a really cute guy walking in and he had on SU shorts. I did a double take but don't think he noticed me, lol.
The action in the tape today I'd have to say was constructive. I think the last week or so of DEC and the first two days of the new year were too much, too fast. This year will be range bound and go to the fleet of foot in terms of being able to decide levels to trade is my guess.
I noticed after the close it appears the cramdowns are about to start. A cramdown is when someone defaults on their mortgage and the bank forecloses. To foreclose they have to go to court. In court there is a judge. Normally this would follow the rule of law and observe property rights. However, because of all the securitizing that took place in many cases no one knows who really holds/owns the mortgage. Add in the possibility of fraud on either party's part and some judges have decided it is within their rights to change the terms of a legally binding contract entered into by the two parties. Shitigroup is leading the charge most likely because they are screwed the most and they figure if they get out in front it might garner them some goodwill is my guess. As my boss put it "Ok, you can't afford the payments so I am going to lower the rate and add on ten years to the mortgage." Yeah, that makes lots of sense- sort of like serfdom...
I was busy at work today but I still had time to read a lot and I have to say I want to come back as a Malaysian pen-tailed tree shrew. Those animals basically live on a diet of beer and only beer. Actually they consume fermented nectar and only fermented nectar. IT has approximately 3.8% alcohol by volume.
I always thought Dolph Lundgren was HOT and I see he is going to be in a new movie with Sly Stallone, Jet Li, Jason Statham and Mickey Rourke titled The Expendables.
So, a bunch of scientists- astro-physicist I think- sent up a huge radio wave detector attached to a balloon to try and find evidence of the earliest stars but instead found what could be called radiowave thunder. It is six times louder than anything predicted AND (as is the case in many scientific discoveries) not what they were even looking for, i.e. a mystery and mistake.
I don't know what could have caused it but it seems the SEC has a bug up its ass about trying to ferret out Ponzi schemes. They announced finding three more I believe. Granted, they are small and have not been going on for possibly 40 years but hey- better late than never I guess.
1 comment:
I've always wanted to come back as a three toed tree sloth, and be adopted by a hot american soldier walking thru the jungle. Than I could hang around his neck for the rest of my life.
oh wait did I say that out loud.
Radiowave thunder? gotta check that out.
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