There is an old saying in my business that when the tide goes out you find out who has been swimming naked. SAY is a perfect example. Apparently they have been "overstating" cash and liabilities for several years now. That is also known as fraud in lay terms, it will be a complete shit show as more people come to Jesus.
The current markets remind me of Johnny Storm's catch phrase "Flame on!" but it should read "Risk on!" Everyone seems to be thinking the worst is over and risk appetite is back in vogue. I personally think it is too soon to be going Risk on! in size.
I really don't care about Steve Jobs health enough to have to read about it all over the WSJ, YHOO and hear about it on CNBC. Yes, I have generic compassion for my fellow man but seriously- the fact he has a hormone imbalance (and some would say a chemical imbalance to boot) is not newsworthy.
The whole nat gas issue between Russia and Ukraine and it's ramifications for Europe makes the back of my head tingle as we are again seeing commodity scarcity creating and feeding into geopolitical risk. I believe part of what caused WWII in the Pacific was Japan attempting to secure oil supplies.
I have no problems with Israel cleaning house in Gaza. If that is what it takes to stop rocket attacks perpetrated by terrorists so be it. I do have a problem however with the whole idea of a Palestinian cause. I took a baccalaureate course in undergrad on the whole issue. The idea of Palestine is pretty much a KGB creation. They trained Arafat (who was Egyptian and an avowed Marxist) to create problems in the Mid East in an attempt to counter our sway there during the Cold War. It was a brilliant intelligence plan and worked wonderfully but they forgot the law of unintended consequences. Yes, it sucks that a school was hit but that happens in wars- there are casualties.
Early on in our friendship, Mr. Clifford told me about google-stalking. I swore I'd never do it- well I did it.
The boxer is this smoking hot guy in our building. He works in my field. He is the boxer because he did this charity boxing event a few months back. I know that because I ran into him in the lobby one afternoon and he was talking about it with the doorman and we ended up taking the elevator together and discussing training. Last night the husband and I went to the gym in the building and he was there. He kept pulling his sweaty tee shirt up to wipe his face and show off his furry abs. He did it like four times and always made sure he was facing us, lol. So I google stalked him and found out his name, the firm he works for, where he went to college (in my hometown no less), what sports he played in college and that he is 6' and 190 when he boxed. The husband and I got into a debate about why he kept showing us his abs- he says he is straight and I had to question that premise.
I hate when Mr. Clifford is right...
1 comment:
SAY kind of blind sided me, I really didn't see that coming, but I suppose it is just an "emerging market", ha! our frauds are much larger.
THank god I'm not the only person who doesn't give a shit about Palistine as a state, and thinks the whole thing is just a red herring for the real players in the middle east. You might check out this article it's about the current israeli strategy>
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