Today was kind of slow in the markets. Read a lot of research and am really starting to think the place to be for this year and possibly even next is in investment grade or near investment grade corporate bonds- again, solely my lowly opinion.
Got a weird IM from a broker today at work. Out of the blue he hits me with "Is the steam room crowded?" and right away he said wrong person. I told him that is a loaded question for me and it is a huge red flag for him, lol. He is a great guy and I am nearly certain he does not go to my church let alone kneel in the pews.
The husband and I got the new Killers album. I know as a good homo I was supposed to boycott it as a protest against the role the Mormons played in passing Prop 8 but the Killers are awesome. The album is really even though AltNation has been playing the song that has the title of this post as a lyric to the point of serious overkill. Spaceman is a really good tune too and I listened to it tonight at the gym.
Speaking of the gym, PF and I were IMing today discussing lunch. He always eats like a bird and I told him I had a salad and thought of him. He asked why the salad and I said it doesn't hurt to try and start the new year off on a healthy note. He agreed and said that means the gym will be packed for the next 3 or 4 weeks as every ones hopes and dreams, um I mean New Year resolutions are shattered and destroyed.
The gym was full of hot guys tonight. There is a new one I hadn't seen before. Definitely a dark Irish boy.
Tomorrow the CEO is going to meet with the trading desk. I am debating wearing a suit just to mess with everyone.
Already the desk is talking trash about the triathlon in June. The boss said we will raise money for a charity this year. Apparently there is a charity to help wounded Navy SEALs. We all read the book Lone Survivor and that is where he got the idea. He and I also suckered a PM into doing it this year by challenging his manliness. He fell for it too- haha.
1 comment:
corporate bonds seem like a safe bet, If I had a little more money I'd probably sell the euro short for may/june and the dollar short for November. But that's just a feeling, I have done the research I did last year to back it up. Someone is going to crack the ruble too, bet whoever does finds a nasty surprise in their car one day to.
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