Wednesday, November 5, 2008

No I am not upset

I am an independent (note the lower case i not a capital I) and I voted for who I thought was the best choice yesterday. Most of my friends knew who that was because they asked me. A lot of them also asked me this morning if I was upset because who I thought was the better choice did not win. My response is plain an simple- no. How can I be upset that the democratic process actually worked the way it is supposed to and has for over 210 years now? I understand not everyone agrees on issues but that is the whole point of this country- you can disagree and not get killed for it- for the most part. The people have spoken, so be it. I can live and will live with it. I support our President-Elect because that is what the majority wants. My deepest fear now is some right wing whack job(s) go and override what the people have chosen. We are supposed to be a land that abides by the rule of law. For someone to take it upon them self or selves to decide otherwise would make us nothing more than the hypocrites those who don't like us or fear what we represent believe us to be.

Speaking of our new President-Elect, I hope he is the pragmatic megalomaniac I think he is because most megalomaniacs want to be remembered as great and that means they have to govern from the center. My guess is circumstances will force him to the center regardless of what he said to get elected. It happened to our current President; he basically got elected as a near isolationist, disengagement, non-nation building, "we are not the cop for the world" platform and was forced to do a 360 because he had no choice.

I am truly disheartened by Prop 8 getting passed and even more bummed by a quote I read in the WSJ this morning. The quote is: "...voters like Christopher Miracle of Oakland, a 19-year student at nearby California State University Hayward. Mr. Miracle voted for Barack Obama, but voted to support Prop 8. "Look at the bible." he said. "It's not a man and a man."" Hello Mr. Miracle? The same Bible tells you what price you can and should pay for slaves, the prostitutes would be stoned to death (not the 420 kind), that if you wear clothing of mixed fibers you should be killed and that women with "familiar spirits" (aka witches) should be killed and if you have sex with one of your slaves they need to be "scourged." I guess civil rights are only for straight people- non-straights need not apply? Seriously, you'd think African-Americans would understand the plight of the GLBT community yet exit polls show they voted by a 2-1 margin for Prop 8. Support Obama for President and then it's see ya, wouldn't want to be ya? Gays have no friends on either side of the aisle. At least the GOP is honest about not liking us.

I am definitely not the norm for a gay man but this is the first time I have really felt betrayed and disenfranchised from my fellow Americans. What change did everyone vote for? As I said to a good friend this morning who was asking if I was upset- so now that there is a new Administration, does this mean "Don't Ask, Don't Tell"s gone? He said no. Ok so when is the change coming?

I was emailing with JW and he said the next time there is a battle for a similar Prop 8 issue he was going to volunteer to do work. I think he has the right idea.

It also got me thinking about our Christmas vacation. We are going to Utah with TK to go boarding. As I told Mr. Barret this morning, it's funny, I never thought this way before but I told the husband I think we need to bring either our certificate of civil union or a copy of it with us in case one of us gets hurt and ends up in the hospital. He of course said if that happened he would go ballistic and demand he get to see me. I asked why do you assume it would be me in the hospital? LOL.

One of my co-worker in the SF office is pretty liberal. I said I can't believe separate but equal still exists in this country.

We had the husband's co-workers over for dinner. It was fun. We went thru a couple bottles of wine- not the magic wine that give you +1 to your hp but good wine nonetheless.

The boss was in meetings all day today. At 5 PM he asked me ok why did the tape get crushed today? I replied tell me why it was up huge yesterday. He laughed and said good point. Volume sucked both days so I am not that worried about the tape's action. What I am worried about is November 15th because that is the supposed deadline for all the hfs to have their cash in hand for any redemptions they have for year end.

Having DR and PF over for dinner tomorrow night. The husband is cooking since I made dinner tonight.

Hope there are some hotties on the bus tomorrow morning.


Anonymous said...

On the plus side of all of this, I think people are learning to become more involved, rather than just hitting the 'send' button on a petition or donation online form. I hope these disappointments spur more actual involvement and presence.

Anonymous said...

Um, I hate to break it to you, but don't bother with your CU license. Thanks to the federal Defense of Marriage Act it is only recognized in states that have same-sex marriage/c.u. and NY

Utah is definitely not one of them. You and your husband are not family in their eyes

If something where to happen the best you could hope for is to get a compassionate staff or lie and say he is your half adoptive brother.

Tim said...

Yeah, John's right they don't have to allow anything if they want to be pricks. I would just pick a more gay friendly state like CO

I voted for McCain too even though his campaign was bereft of policy details. had had made two smart and determined policy choices during the campaign that were right. Both of Obama's positions turned out wrong.
I think your right about being pushed to the center though, it's funny how the world shapes the powerful sometimes.