Thursday evening we had friends over for dinner- PF and DR. The husband made dinner and we ended up going through a few bottles of wine. Before dinner though I grabbed a quick drink with my friend from the fly over state- mine was alcoholic his was not as he is now with the program. Sadly he is also going through a divorce and having been there and done that I know how much is sucks.
The boys were with us this weekend. My oldest plays tennis down in central Jersey every Saturday morning. So this Saturday morning we got ready to go. I pulled up to the cross walk at the exit to the parking lot at the building. Looked right, nothing, looked left and there was a car down the way so slowly started to pull out when two runners ran in front of my truck. I hit the brakes and stopped immediately and came to a full stop with out hitting either runner. They both jumped and one fell- well more tumbled as she was rather large and should be running- and sprained her ankle. She started crying and couldn't get up. I was immediately out of the truck and calling 911. (As an aside 911 sucks.) Three fire squads, two ambulances and two cop cars later I told my oldest no tennis. He was psyched because he said before we left the apartment. My oldest also used some choice swear words which I scolded him for afterwards.
The car that was down the way saw the entire thing and I believe corroborated my recollection of events. The husband was also walking on the sidewalk to my left and saw the whole thing but the police officer did not take his statement once I told him he was my partner.
I called the insurance company after I parked the truck. Told them everything. The weather sucked so the rest of the day we vegged out. The husband did a bunch of stuff. When he got back he asked if the boys had gone outside. I looked at him and asked when he started smoking crack since it had been raining all day. I did run into the hot neighbor when I went out to pick up lunch. He actually introduced himself. I said to him you must work on the Street since you seem to keep the same hours as us. He said he did and he works at a rather large hedge fund. He is a fixed income trader which means he has had more interesting times than us equity guys have.
Saturday evening JW and JD came over ostensibly for pizza and wings- which always makes me laugh since that was the line the brothers in my fraternity used all through hell night and it was a total mind fuck as a pledge to think pizza and wings were on the way and then half way through the ordeal and realize no pizza and wings were showing up but I digress. We and our guests had sushi instead.
Sunday the husband took a bunch of stuff out to his parents house to store in their basement. My oldest and I went to the gym in the building and did cardio for 25 minutes. There was a really cute guy on the tread mill who lives on the third floor who watched the runner-truck incident the day before from his window and the husband pointed him out to me as I was being interviewed by the police officer, lol.
I then had the boys shower up. My youngest decided to run a little experiment in the shower apparently that almost ended badly. He covered up the drain to see how much water would fill up the shower. When I checked in on him I saw water covering about two thirds of the bathroom floor. Thankfully it did not go further. I tried to scold him but after he explained it all I could only laugh.
I dropped them off at their mom's house and told her we missed tennis and why. She was non-plussed. Looked at her bf Bob the Builder and said gee, at least he didn't hit anyone. My youngest whispered into my ear as he hugged me good bye "Dad I thought you hit her?" I said no.
The tape was sort of quiet today. The intraday swing was only about 350 bps. I was a bit shocked by the fact that AIG came back and said we really need $150 billion not the $85 billion we originally thought. Oops.
GM and F both seem to be headed for zero on their equity prices. Think I have heard that somewhere before.
I maybe overreacting but I have to complain about the lack of etiquette a lot of our friends seem to have. We are having a cocktail/housewarming party a week from this Saturday. We sent out invitations with my email to RSVP to. No one- not even my parents or brother- seem to think that is how we expect you to RSVP. They all think telling us on the phone or IM are acceptable.
Speaking of the party we also have the boys that weekend so I told them they are going to be our photographers for the party. It is really just a way to get them involved in the whole vent so they won't sit there and watch t.v.
Also I ran into the hot neighbor tonight and told him we are having a party and we are inviting everyone on the floor. I believe he will be coming. The husband said did you happen to say you can bring your girlfriend as a way to find out if he has one, lol. I did not.
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