I swam this morning. The dark haired hottie I have seen a few times was there again. Mr. Barrett would have swooned- not over the swimming hottie but over the scruffy hot married guy who was there as I was leaving- he was very cute and had the full beard. I chuckled to myself because Mr. Barrett came to mind when I saw his beard.
I caught the boss checking out the you, nubile operations girl. It was really funny. He sits across from me. I looked up and saw saw him kind of staring at someone coming down the stairs that are behind me. I turned around and saw her. I looked back at him and said, I see what you are looking at. He blushed a bit.
I am not a fan of reality t.v. in any form. However I saw an article today about one that is all about flipping houses. The star of it- one Jeff Lewis- is actually pretty hot, lol. I am sure he flips a lot...
The NAHB hit an all time low today. I still don't agree that forcing banks to take losses only to keep people in houses they couldn't afford to begin with and still can't afford.
The debate of whether or not to bailout the automakers is a raging one now. There was a great editorial in the WSJ yesterday saying they should file for reorganization. I agree. If you look at the whole process the Big 3 all have the same costs as most other automakers. The rub is all the others do not have these liabilities to their retirees. That is what is causing them all the pain. If the Big 3 could just get out from under the weight of those and reorganize them they most likely could produce cars and make money.
Again what keeps echoing through my mind is the technicians saying it is real quiet until 770 on the SPX.
I was supposed to have drinks after work today with a guy I went to college with who is a fixed income trader. He had to cancel because he had a coaching meeting for his kid's basketball team. I told him no problem but going into the holiday season I said it will have to be after the new year for the beers.
I really can't stand Billy Mays- the OxyClean guy. He is now shilling insurance on the business channels.
We finished painting tonight. Tomorrow night it is all touch up work and then Thursday we have plans. The husband is starting to get stressed about the party. He will be a nervous nellie until 9 PM Saturday when the party is over.
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