Monday, September 29, 2008

That was fun today but let's not do it again

The weekend upstate with my fraternity brothers was a blast. I had not seen some of these guys in over 15 years. I did have some trepidation going up there but was really impressed with the sense of brotherhood. Not one guy had an issue with me being a big old homo. We drank a lot, ate a lot and I even took a swim in the lake sans bathing suit. As our host BB (the host) said "My 68 year old aunt is going to be all excited and talking about it for years." Her is the final count of what we went through in three days:

Final count:
2 bottles of Bailey’s
1 bottle Vodka
Lots of jack
1+ bottles rum
6 ish cases of beer
35 lbs wings
14lbs beef
4 lbs salmon
10 lbs elk and venison
2lbs cheese
4 dozen eggs
3lbs bacon
2 lbs sausage
3 lbs scrapple
2lbs coffee
4 bags chips
1 box crackers
3 dozen rolls
2 dozen bagels
½ face cord wood
Not one vegetable
God knows how many brain cells

Our host BB was in my pledge class with me, the president of our house our senior year and lived across the hall from me in the house. He is now a county D.A. and some of the horror stories about crimes in his county were very disheartening.

I saw the hot neighbor this morning and he held the elevator door for me but I was waiting for the husband so told him thanks but go ahead.

The humidity lately has been a pain in the ass for our painting. The new foyer is done though and 2/3 of the boys room too. All we have left is our bedroom and the living room.

Speaking of the boys room we have been trying to match the door handle and found it on the web. The only bad thing is it costs over $250! We are going to figure out something else to do that doesn't cost that much.

So the House voted down the bailout. That does not bode well in the short term for the tape but I went outside after the vote and saw that the world had not ended; people were still working, the deli was still selling iced coffee and the sun had not gone black. If worse comes to worse I can go become a pirate off the coast of Somalia and demand $20 million for ships I take.

WB- those damn shorts again! The stock was down ~85%. Oh wait- it can't be shorted. So does that mean stocks can still go down even though the government is trying to prevent free markets from working???

Today the tape was scary but let's keep things in prospective; Black Monday back in '87 the tape was down 22% or so. Today it was down barely one third of that. That gets to several things one should keep in mind. First, point moves are not the thing to focus on- percentage moves are what one should follow. Second turn off CNBC! Their main job is selling ads, not making you money. If you really feel the need to watch business news watch BBERG tv instead.

We also need to remember that Iran and North Korea are both still big issues and appear to still be pursuing nuclear arms and if they get them my guess is who voted yea or nay for the bailout really won't matter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you ever poop again after a weekend of all-carbs and no vegetables?