So LEH was allowed to fail- I can't believe it! I really thought BARC would come in and buy them. I applaud the federal government for staring down the Street too. In retrospect I have to say that LEH's fate should have been BSC's fate but that is neither here nor there. I am also surprised that BAC is buying MER. There were rumblings of that Friday but I thought that event horizon was much further away than yesterday. The cynic in me says BAC was pressured by the government to do it and with the BAC CEO saying he wasn't that makes me think even more strongly it was the case. GS will be forced to buy a bank as well.
The emails were flying fast and furious from about the time I left the beach to take the boys home until about midnight. I was supposed to be working out of the office on the west coast from today until Wednesday but after discussing it with the boss man I decided it would be more prudent to reschedule the trip. I had the COO's admin reschedule it and she actually saved me money- woo hoo!
The past weekend we had the boys at the beach and we were real lazy. Thursday night we were out with JP for drinks and we mentioned how we have to watch Heroes- both the 1st and 2nd season- because we hear so much about it and the new starts a week from today. He told us he watched it with his nephews and the boys would love it. He was right. Saturday the weather was not conducive to being outside so we had a Heroes Season One marathon. My oldest totally got into it. Season Two comes out this week and we have the boys again this coming weekend so we will try to get all of that in too. I think the best part of the weekend was it was a guys weekend. All of us got so into Heroes we did not shower once and my oldest was proud of it and it was the first thing out of his mouth to his mother when I dropped them off.
I am sure a lot of you played the game when you were a kid about getting someone to say the word "what" and then telling them they have five minutes to get rid of it. My youngest is really on that kick. He and the husband played hangman Sunday. The word was what. The husband did not get it and got "hanged." When he finally said the word my youngest told him ha- five minutes to get rid of it.
I was in work earlier than usual today because of the turmoil. There was a really cute Irish boy on the bus- just an aside...
When the Children's News Broadcasting Corp starts running shows about how to protect your money from the bear market you know we are close to the end. I'd venture we are in the 7th inning at this point. AIG has issues and it could be the grand slam that ends the game.
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