Wednesday, September 10, 2008

She will be a reluctant bride

The weather has been amazing for autumn in the city. It fits nicely with my traditional autumnal goatee. Every year I have a goatee from Labor Day until the winter solstice. I know that Labor Day is not the actual start of autumn but in my mind it always has been since that is when I went back to school or the beach season ended. So I have my autumnal goatee. This year I have noticed a lot more gray in it but what can I do? I like to think I am taking the red wine path into my AARP membership years.

Did not go to the gym this morning slept in and last night we left the windows open and it was really nice and brisk in the bedroom when I woke up, so I stayed under the covers.

So LEH finally, kinda, sorta bit the bullet. All of us on the desk were shaking our heads when they did the press release. It really wasn't enough. They are still trying to dictate price and have not realized they are a price taker not a price setter. We came to the conclusion that since historically LEH is culturally a trading house it make sense that they would be trying to trade out of this error (i.e. their over dependence on MBS, ABCP, RMBS, etc.) for the past year. The first rule every trader learns though is NEVER trade an error; you become anchored to a certain price and emotional when the error gets even larger and much like an addict you are hoping and trying to score that one big trade that will wipe away your loss due to the error. LEH has to accept their fate and close out their error. My guess is they will suffer the fate of BSC and I would be watching the news wires Sunday before Asia opens for an announcement of a forced marriage. Not sure who the groom will be but that is superfluous. Not going to try and guess the price because the Treasury has shown a much sterner approach lately.

We are in the processing of getting an interior wall built in the new place and I have to say getting contractors sucks. We had a second guy come today and he measured, etc. He'll get back to us. The first one who came here two weeks ago finally came back with and estimate today. Sadly neither of them is hot.

I went to the gym after and got a good workout in, lifted and did the elliptical. Will swim tomorrow. When I got home the husband was in the process of finally starting to hang some of his art. I put shelves up in the laundry closet.

The boys are doing well. My oldest is finding 6th grade and the middle school not as intimidating as he expected. He is actually pleasant when I talk to him and he is doing his homework. My youngest is doing well in the gifted group. I have never worried about him other than maybe he gets bored at school. We have them at the beach this weekend. They are excited because we get to use the fireplace since it will most likely be chilly at night.

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