Yesterday the summer intern we have working on the desk actually fell asleep- on a trading desk that is verboten! So I looked at the boss and said I think it's time for iced coffees. I walked across the street to the deli, bought him an iced coffee and plopped it down next to him and told him to drink up.
Yesterday GM announced they are closing down 4 plants. Sales being down thirty percent might have nudged them in that decision. They are probably going to get rid of the Hummer line. Oh no, what will all the baby boomers do if they can't buy Hummers anymore while they complain about the environment getting destroyed and we are only in Iraq for oil? I have come to realize I am not a fan of the boomers. I find them incredibly self centered, arrogant and full of a holier than thou attitude. It may explain why I am not a fan of the Beatles (the Back Street Boys of the '60s). I also like to tell any boomer I meet that the moon landing was faked. That totally pisses them off. I don't believe it was faked but love getting them pissed off. But I digress. The shutting of the plants will definitely be a negative for the emplyment figures but those and all government statistics have been so warped starting with the Kennedy Administration that they are all to be viewed with serious cynicism.
I am still concerned about us doing something stupid with Iran. There were a lot of rumors that we are going to strike the IRG. We currently don't have the proper resources or werewithal to do that.
I read about how some scientists genetically altered e. coli into a computer. It is both way cool and way scary to me at the same time.
I used to think golf was a boring sport and maybe not even a sport until one of my straight friends told me both Camilo Villegas and Adam Scott go to my church. I immediately googled both and came to the conclusion Camilo is because he wears a white belt while golfing. He is hot too and looks a bit like my husband. Adam Scott is Australian so that immediately makes him hot and I would totally give him one of my woods on the course if he needed it to make the shot.
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