The weekend at the beach was awesome! We caught a late ferry out Friday night, watched BSG and went to bed. Saturday we had a friend come out for the weekend. I had had drinks with her the week earlier and she asked how the summer was going. I told her we had a beach house for the season. She said she had not be out there in a long time so I invited her out for the weekend.
When she arrived off the ferry I had a margarita waiting for her. She was commenting on how polite every man was on the ferry. I told her it was because they all thought they could steal her for the weekend and have their own Grace.
The weather was stunning. It was sunny and in the 90s the entire time. Tea was packed Saturday and we didn't get to meet up with two of the guys from drinks every Tuesday in Hoboken. We had a late dinner, watched a cheesy werewolf movie on Sci-Fi and went to bed. Sunday was a repeat weather-wise of Saturday until around 5:30 when this killer t-storm hit; it was quick and loud. We caught a late ferry back. On the drive back the husband got an email telling him the Scottie he had let his friends take to live on a farm passed away. He was crushed. Losing a dog sucks because dogs are the only truly unconditional love any of us will most likely experience in this life. I felt bad for him.
We got back to Hoboken and had dinner at our kitchen away from home. There was a drunk there who came up to me and asked if I had just gotten out of prison because I am so muscular. I said no. He then asked what I do to get my muscles. I told him lift weights at the gym. He asked if my girlfriend likes them. My response was no but he does and pointed to my husband sitting next to me. That ended the conversation quickly.
My secret man-crush in the office who is doing the race with us this Saturday got injured this past weekend. This kid is hardcore. He is training for a half Iron Man race in September and this race Saturday is a warm up for him. Anyways he was doing a brick Saturday when he had to stop quickly on his bike. He didn't pop out of his pedals quick enough and sliced his ankle pretty badly. He said he is just going to see if the doctor can give him a shot of cortisone the day before the race.
My crackberry went on the fritz Friday evening on the drive out to the beach so I was completely incommunicado and have to say it was kind of nice. I used the husband's phone to call the boys each night.
Speaking of the boys, the hot weather continued today so they had an early dismissal from school today. I will be down there Thursday night for my oldest son's spring concert.
I got to see the New York premeire of The Incredible Hulk tonight. It was way better than that drivel Ang Lee made but was not as fun as Iron Man. Also too violent for the boys to see in my opinion.
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