Friday night as we were getting everything packed and ready to go for the race on Saturday I couldn't find my numbered tag I was supposed to wear for the race. We came to realize the Nazi cleaning lady had thrown it out. The husband had a fit, called her and reamed her a new asshole- all in Portuguese. It got to the point I felt bad for her. Told him to hang up, not a big deal, they'd still let me race.
We got up early and drove out to the club the race was being held at. I told the organizers what happened, wasn't a big deal and they gave me my chip anyways.
I did very well on the swim, blew it on the bike and actually ran 8 1/2 minute miles in the run. My boss did the race and all I have to say is he is a fucking hardcore machine! He beat all of us. He finished in 1:54. His swim and run were about the same as mine but he crushed the bike. The husband beat me by three minutes again because he did very well on the bike. He admitted afterwards that he had three panic attacks in the swim. I had warned him many times that swimming in open water in a crowd is very different. He said he may be scarred by the experience. When we got in the car to go home he commented we could probably get another tri in by the end of the summer. I said no fucking way and good luck.
If you have never been to a tri I have to say there are a lot of hot men there. On the run I noticed this one stunning guy who was running shirtless. After he finished I happened to notice his age (for some reason they write it in a Sharpie on your calf) and then felt very dirty- he was 17. Afterwards as we were packing up my boss came over. He had his shirt off and the husband was staring. I whispered into his ear "Close your mouth, you're going to catch flies and stop flirting with my boss." The husband also was flirting with my secret man-crush here at the office- who I thought was in his 30s but is actually only 28.
After the race we drove home, showered up and got back in the car to drive out to my out-laws house. They were having a house warming and barbecue. I took charge of the grill because fire is cool. I grilled up shrimp, chicken, sweet Italian sausages, hamburgers, cheeseburgers and a few hot dogs. At one point the husband came and asked if we could switch, he would grill and I'd go mingle. I said no way, I hate crowds. What I found interesting is how his family introduced me. I was designated an important part of the family. The whole Latin issue with gays is odd. They totally except me as part of the family but aren't sure how to introduce me. At one point I introduced myself as his older sister's brother-in-law. She was kind of shocked when I said that but then agreed that is what I am. His cousin did a good job of keeping my wine glass filled while I was grilling so I had a nice buzz on by the time we left to catch the ferry to the beach.
We had fun at the beach, went out dancing and got fairly drunk as we were running on fumes at that point. Had a late dinner and went to bed.
Sunday I caught an early ferry back because it was Fathers Day and I was having dinner with my sons. They were at their grandfather's house in a tony north Jersey suburb which is only 20 minutes from Hoboken. Their mom actually agred that it made more sense for me to pick them up there, have an early dinner at a local restaurant and then she'd pick them up and take them home thus saving me a lot of extra driving. I thanked her for making it easy for me. My brother thinks the anger/hate is dissipating but I think it will take years.
After dinner with the boys I went back into the city to meet the husband at a party our friends were having. They live on the LES which is a hopping neighborhood these days. The have the top apartment of a six floor walk-up. Last year they built this amazing roof deck and that is where the party was. Walking up six flights the day after a triathlon was not fun. They also always provide really nice eye candy for their guests. There was one guy who was all chatty once he realized I had done a triathlon. The husband was able to throw back the close your mouth comment I had made the day before.
Monday I had dinner with some fraternity brothers. The guy who was the president of the house my junior year was in town from the U.K. We met up and had wings and beers but because his flight was delayed the dinner started pretty late and I got home at 12:30. Then last night I had to go down to central Jersey for my oldest son's 5th grade completion ceremony. Come September he is in the middle school. IT really wasn't as cloy and cheesy as I thought it would be and I did get a bit veklempt. I then stopped by our friends farm to pick up a piece of art the husband had bought and had delivered there. I also picked up the ashes of the husband's first dog.
Tonight we are having dinner in the city to celebrate our first anniversary of living in civil unionized bliss. I had to wear a blazer no less but I did not shave since I got up late this morning after running around for the past four days.
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