I hit the pool this morning which was a task after the dojo- sweep the leg!- last night. I actually swam a bit over 1300 yards even with the ancient lady sharing the lane with me and doing her back stroke and mistakenly smacking my ass. I dunno- maybe she was doing it on purpose because it did not happen once or twice but three times.
When I catch the real early bus in there is a totally cute blonde guy also going to the gym as he is in shorts and sweatshirt as well and carrybg a garment bag. He is married too but it makes for a nice ride in.
So the IMF now has given a sell by date to the Pax Americana it seems. They have predicted that China will become the largest economy i the world in five years. That makes sense as I recall reading a study that most empires last roughly 250 years and it went all the wayback to the Assyrian Empire.
I see Ron Paul is probably going to run for the Presidency again. He has a lot of beliefes I agree with but the proof is in the pudding, aka how much he kowtows to the fringe on the right. I also liked his cameo in Bruno.
I have been thinking about what exactly it means to be conservative. It definitely does not mean you believe in the Bible (the best fantasy novel I ever read) literally, ala the Christian Taliban we have here. It does not mean you fuck over the poor and middle class every chance you get by giving more and more to the financial elites here, aka the Grover Norquist types. I have to give credit to my bond friend. He has- and I am paraphrasing here- that true conservatives believe that humanity would revert to their basest instincts unless society placed some sort of guidelines- be they legal or moral- on society as a whole. Kind of like the White Lords of Order from the Elric series. It means your are prudent in your decisions and are willing to take a long view of things so that we get it right. I could have completely misunderstood him as we discussed this over cold beers and Philly cheesesteaks awhile ago.
I read a great blog post about how the baby boomers have totally screwed over their country with their complete hypocrisy over most of their lives. I loved it.
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